How can homeless people

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
have dogs when at night the temps get below freezing.
like seriously your going to put a dog through that? i was driving home and saw a homeless lady with 2 labs. i know it probably sucks being homeless and i would still want my dog if i was but i wouldnt want him to be outside in 30 degree weather at night for a couple months.


Ursus marijanus
Many dogs are tougher than people ... consider sled dogs. If I were homeless, weren't allergic to dog and could feed it, I'd appreciate the bit o'warmth next to me while I sleep as a major plus. cn


Well-Known Member
The freeway underpasses in Detroit are already shopping carts and blankets hanging....those people have it rough...not all are lazy bums...some are mentally ill with no fuckin health help...I bring food and blankets all the time...and any sweatshirts or jackets I don't use.
And some are drug infested bums who bring the city down.I bring them clean syringes,condums and boonsfarm...JK

Most of the homeless dogs in Deroit hang in packs and will eat you in your sleep.


Well-Known Member
I think whatever happened to the owner, the dog would have appreciated their companionship rather than being removed and destroyed. Dogs are tough and adaptable, it isn't quite the same as a lone stray, and in many ways better than an animal abandoned. The dogs give their owners warmth, companionship and protection. Some help carry possessions, attract people to give money and offer the person some hope and a responsibility to keep them motivated.

The strays in Trinidad are amazing. They are all pit bull type mixes and literally about 10 on every block. No matter how much people yell or throw things at them, they are willing to give anyone a try. I sat on the beach with three dogs lying my my side, one in my lap an one letting me scratch him under the chin, when I could just as easily have hit them and I didn't have any food to offer (they do a great job of cleaning up the town's food waste)

That kind of compassion even in the face of adversity warms my heart. Homeless people have a hard time taking care of themselves without sharing the little they have with their furry friend. The street dogs of Trinidad didn't have to comfort me when I was sad and alone when they could have spent their time looking for food from someone who actually had some.

Love survives everywhere. That gives me hope.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
have dogs when at night the temps get below freezing.
like seriously your going to put a dog through that? i was driving home and saw a homeless lady with 2 labs. i know it probably sucks being homeless and i would still want my dog if i was but i wouldnt want him to be outside in 30 degree weather at night for a couple months.
You're more worried about dogs than you are a human being out in that weather? Seriously?


Well-Known Member
The point is, for whatever reason that person is homeless, they didn't HAVE to have their dog in the same situation with them.

I do value animal life over or equal to humans at times, being blunt. But as I stated before I don't think homeless people are 'bad' for keeping their dogs, neither do I have no regard for human life at all. Just a little less. Being perfectly honest and to-the-point.


Active Member
two things dogs have a normal body temp of 100-102 they run a bit hotter then people and thus indure cold better...and this thread made me think that they should uthinize homeless people...thats terrable sry..jus som of tha shit rollin arround in my hed here. No i dont feel sry for the dog or man..every person and creature has its place in the world according to its likes. better snoopy live wit charlie brown under a bridge then get the gas chamber when nobody comes to adopt a 50yr old dog at the shelter.. maybe..idk..


Well-Known Member
Im sure the dogs are good but even if they aren't most of the homeless will go down into the subway or sleep on the heat vents coming up from it.


New Member
Maybe the dogs did not belong to the homeless person and they were waiting for the person to keel over so they could eat her.


Well-Known Member
you have to think also of the social interaction homeless people get from others. A lot of these poor souls only friends are their dogs. can you imagine being shunned by society and how lonely that must be for a person to endure? Everyone deserves unconditional love in their life and a dog provides this to people who would otherwise not get it.

Think before you condem someone for something.


Well-Known Member
have dogs when at night the temps get below freezing.
like seriously your going to put a dog through that? i was driving home and saw a homeless lady with 2 labs. i know it probably sucks being homeless and i would still want my dog if i was but i wouldnt want him to be outside in 30 degree weather at night for a couple months.
Dogs are animals.
By leaving yours inside you are destroying thousands of years of evolution :D
(Same at my house though)


Well-Known Member
Have ya'll heard about child gangs?

Since they have absolutely nothing, and need everything necessary for life, and no one tells them what is right or wrong...They'll kill you for your breakfast...
Like watching "Hostel" and "Slum Dog Millionaire" REALLY isn't too, too far from the truth...

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
maybe the dogs where homeless too and they just cuddle at night to keep warm. and then hunt for food during the day.