How high are you? 0-10 scale


Well-Known Member
Broke a branch by accident off an LSD that sill needs 3 weeks to finish. I'm actually pretty high, head high. I'd say a 3.
A 6 or higher on my scale would probable put most of you in a coma.


Well-Known Member
5, just taking real big hits held in for 15-30 seconds of some strawberry cough. i'd estimate 1/2-3/4 of a pretty big bowl smoked in the last 5 minutes. Should be an 8 or 9 soon though. lol


Well-Known Member
i'm smoking some full melt bubble hash my wife found in the back of the freezer. i'm 27 feet high right now. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i never fall below a 7. even when i'm sleeping. i operate at an 8, a fat doobie takes me to 9. honey oil puts me at 10.

edibles have a category of their own. ;)


RIU Bulldog
I'm so high,
all I smell like is smoke
Ya, that motha fuckin green
Ya, that god damn dro...


Well-Known Member
just hit some dro that just came out of beeing cured in banana leaves . :shock: am so high ... ad give this a solid 8 head and 5 body

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
0. My grow got killed by a long power outage, and my regular dude hasn't been around lately. So that's a big zero on the scale.


Active Member
I'm so high,
all I smell like is smoke
Ya, that motha fuckin green
Ya, that god damn dro...
making me move so early in the morning. love 3 6