Got me Busted!

Alright, so i invited my friend Zac over. We walk off, smoke a couple bowl packs. We come back and start watching Alice In Wonderland and he walks off, thought nothing of it at first. Then I realise he has been gone for 30 minutes, I'm like "what the fuck is he doing?". I was too lazy to find him, so I layed back down and kept watching. My mom finds Zac outside sleeping on a couch cushion and it was 43 degrees outside, no blanket, no sweatshirt, no nothing. My mom asks him "Zac? Are you okay? Its really cold outside". He though it was me, so he says "Whatsup Connor!! Nah I'm good man". My mom walks in my room and tells me, I was just like "god dammit dude". I walk outside and slapped him in the face and was like "DUDE! Get the fuck up. Its cold as fuck! My mom pretty much knows now". He says "Chill out dude, I got clothes on". I was pissed at the time, but know it's something to laugh about.
so where is zac now? hows he doing tell us a little about his life...
I've known Zac since freshman year. He's one of those guys that doesn't care bout anything, which is good and bad. He's always been my best friend. He's doing alright. Got himself a cool little apartment. He's constantly switching jobs though, he is trying to find one he wants to stick with. Lol, i remember every weekend after school we would just chill at his house and get stoned outta our minds and skate around. His house was right by a Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds, so we were always getting something good to eat.


Active Member
yea you guys are dicks for no reason. Hope you enjoy and have many more memorable times like this, its why we all smoke. Welcome.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I've known Zac since freshman year. He's one of those guys that doesn't care bout anything, which is good and bad. He's always been my best friend. He's doing alright. Got himself a cool little apartment. He's constantly switching jobs though, he is trying to find one he wants to stick with. Lol, i remember every weekend after school we would just chill at his house and get stoned outta our minds and skate around. His house was right by a Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds, so we were always getting something good to eat.
fuck yea, sounds like a great friend. i think he might need some college courses. maybe he should take one of those night welding courses.
is he still dating that same girl? u know the one that gave him the std. what kind of car does he have? nothing wrong with jumping jobs. works work.
yea you guys are dicks for no reason. Hope you enjoy and have many more memorable times like this, its why we all smoke. Welcome.
Thanks Bro, and yeah i've gotten used to ppl on the internet. I've learned to just ignore em, if you respond in an angry way it just makes them wanna post more bullshit and cut downs. They are hurting themselves honestly, just looking at all the negative things in life to point out and make a big deal instead of just enjoying themselves.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Thanks Bro, and yeah i've gotten used to ppl on the internet. I've learned to just ignore em, if you respond in an angry way it just makes them wanna post more bullshit and cut downs. They are hurting themselves honestly, just looking at all the negative things in life to point out and make a big deal instead of just enjoying themselves.
well said. we would now like to know some of your future plans.
fuck yea, sounds like a great friend. i think he might need some college courses. maybe he should take one of those night welding courses.
is he still dating that same girl? u know the one that gave him the std. what kind of car does he have? nothing wrong with jumping jobs. works work.
Yeah, that's not gonna happen. He hates school and is never going to college. Uhhhhhhh, when did i ever say he dated anyone that gave him an std? :?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Stop what? Being friendly instead of sarcastic and insulting?
stop acting like the fucking forum cop. post here post there. i luv u dude but fuck... id rather u put it in my ass or something
than make a new guy feel weird about where he posts.
Lol, some funny quotes from Zac:
(pointing at some random dude at mcdonalds) "Dude! It's Randy Zero! He's an undercover agent, he's coming to take our testicles! what are we gonna....DO?!?!"
(laying on the bedroom floor) "no way.....breakfast!!!"
"Connor!!! We need testicles PRONTO!"
"Connor!!! Don't be alarmed, but I am a milkshake!! Do NOT spill me!"
(picks up my ipod) "DUDE! CONNOR! I found someone's phone! We gotta sell it at a pawn shop maaaaaan!"
(after i ask him to hand me the remote) "SHEENA THINKS IM BLACK!!!!!!"
"My......saliva tastes like....OATMEAAAAL!!!"
(starting singing this to my friend Jack) "Jackie Boy knows....he's never gonna to liiiiiveeee!"