Whatz your beef?

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
bro, ive been on the site for some time now...the technical info is great....the personalities that people like to convey on here, not so much. i think there are alot of scared little men who hide behind the net and flame people, because they cant do it in real life without having to eat fist. i just try to enjoy the info.


Weed Modifier
bro, ive been on the site for some time now...the technical info is great....the personalities that people like to convey on here, not so much. i think there are alot of scared little men who hide behind the net and flame people, because they cant do it in real life without having to eat fist. i just try to enjoy the info.
true i agree, great info to be found here...I love this site!

yes, anyone can be whoever they want to be behind a screen...but bet it's different in real life...face to face! haha

but i just don't understand why "some" get bent out of shape just because you give rep out or likes?
I've liked all your posts and +repped you, what more can I do?

I really fucking like scotch fillet FWIW

Maybe blade steak is my only real beef about beef
sounds like he has rep envy because he gets SFA

and if this was my only account then I wouldn't know that lime gives some good advice, I would just be guessing ;)
i like the rep systems..i'm a nood here though. I was a Grasscity for a few years with a bunch of +rep and 2000+ post then i got banned cause a mod got a stick up his ass :( RiU seems alot chilller though!


Ursus marijanus
women who don't wear a bra...how can you look away, and not look like a perv.... when the headlights are on!
In the beefy context? Yeah ... my meat sometimes stops loafing. Tits in summer tops are the Cosmos' way of saying "hey y'all ... watch this!" I sing an ode to tits. cn