Problem since flowering Cheese


Well-Known Member
I bought a Super Cheese seed from the internet took a few cuttings, then i changed her to flower but my question is i am not sure it is Cheese as it has been flowering for 4 weeks and its not advancing much and showing signs of cheese. Its 32 inch tall but does not to be filling out much.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how its a doing, I am not sure if its doing O.K as the bottom of the plant is starting to yellow and die off but the top is still quite Green.
Has anyone grown (Super)Cheese before as its my first time growing Cheese.
I will update pictures regular if anyone is interested and will show how it progresses through the final stages of flowering.
I am watering once a day it is in coco soil feeding her Coco A and B and PK 13/14 in a week so. Its under a 400 watt HPS please Please give me some feedback thank you.


Man... That plant looks damn good haha
Those leafs are dead, you can let them fall off, or clip them. They will grow back green. Idk why they did tho, maybe no light? No water? No nutes? Maybe it's the strain. I haven't dealt with this strain but by the look of those green leaves. That plant loves everything you do to it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks you it looks it looks a greener now i set up a new grow room which i will take some pictures to show you.


Well-Known Member
it looks like it may have hermied on you mate, i'm not sure if that's seeds i'm seeing in picture 3 or not too blurry to tell for sure, if you plant gets pollinated in week 1 or 2 of flower the growth rate is severely stunted opposed to pollination in week 4-5-6
it looks like it may have hermied on you mate, i'm not sure if that's seeds i'm seeing in picture 3 or not too blurry to tell for sure, if you plant gets pollinated in week 1 or 2 of flower the growth rate is severely stunted opposed to pollination in week 4-5-6


......... Smoke another one bro..


Well-Known Member
If you are watering every day, you are probably overwatering. Do you have any perlite mixed in with your coco? Any chance you can take some less blurry pictures? Its really hard to tell what's up with her.


Well-Known Member
Yes thank you it will have to be tomorrow night i will take some better pics and my grow set up and i just use Coco soil i should invest but budget low


Well-Known Member
If you get a minute, check out my thread (in the red in my signature). I am growing in an organic, reusable coco mix that consists of simple, cheap ingredients that can be gotten at most garden centers, including box stores.


Well-Known Member
Lol at nothingreallymatters care to act like a big boy or are you just gonna be stupid and troll?
like i said POOR PICTURES stupid fuck.
from what I SEE in picture 3 is a bunch of swelling calyxes with the pre seed just breaking through.
good job on being a moron though.
Lol at nothingreallymatters care to act like a big boy or are you just gonna be stupid and troll?
like i said POOR PICTURES stupid fuck.
from what I SEE in picture 3 is a bunch of swelling calyxes with the pre seed just breaking through.
good job on being a moron though.

Whoooa.. No need for name calling I just said smoke another one. It was a pretty good idea.. Wasn't it?


Well-Known Member
Whoooa.. No need for name calling I just said smoke another one. It was a pretty good idea.. Wasn't it?
It always seems like a damn fine idea when I have it! :lol:

So man, how are your plants looking? Any new updates? I really think they are certainly salvagable and I'd love to see some better pics to be able to help you grow some quality stuff.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, the more I go back and look at your current pictures, the more I think there's nothing wrong that a little less water won't fix.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to cause a scene in the thread but i aa still having issues with it her she looks fine but a couple of leaves are really yellow. The hairs don't be changing much its like growth has just stopped i took a picture of a leaf was distraught should i cut it off please still help but i apolagize in advance for the poor quality once again Thank you all


Looks good man. I wouldn't trip over that leaf.. They die, and grow back that's life. If you want you can cut it, or wait till it falls off.

Just be thankful it's not the plant (:

Keep it up stay green.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to cause a scene in the thread but i aa still having issues with it her she looks fine but a couple of leaves are really yellow. The hairs don't be changing much its like growth has just stopped i took a picture of a leaf was distraught should i cut it off please still help but i apolagize in advance for the poor quality once again Thank you all
Well, hun, I've studied all your pics and other than the one leaf, she looks good! How far along did you say she was? About week 5 for most plants, the fan leaves do begin to die. The plant shifts gears around this time and no more vertical growth will happen (it stopped a week or so ago for most). The other thing that happens, is the plant starts using its own store of nutrients that it has gathered and processed. During week 5, the flowers stop stacking up so much and start swelling in width. Most plants will start to show yellowing of the leaves, particularly around the bottom first.

As for that one leaf, it will not recover and it will not grow back. But it's fine if you cut it off. It isn't causing any further damage to the plant, but it isn't providing anything useful either. Hope that helps!

How tall is that plant?!


Well-Known Member
33" tall that is good information i do not think the buds will swell up much as the last one i had was Kush and the buds was dense and compact, while this is super cheese it is struggling to pack out with the buds its looking really green and thc over the leaves but not not much progress with the hairs i will take a pic in a hour or so and update for you guys Thanks alot