It should be legal to kill Democrats

I don't know what state your from but California you

do. You shouldn't be saying shit you don't know.

same as in NJ, they list it on your stub.

if red had to not talk about shit he didn't know, he'd be resigned to posting at stormfront and threads with idiots still fighting the cold war.

because, ya know, communism is still a threat and all....:lol:
The "unemployment tax" you speak off is a tax on employers, not employees. You're still not paying any part of their state or federal income tax as you stated. I never said you or any other Democrat didn't own a business, I said you don't know what you're blathering about. You don't know how to do a payroll, so I can only conclude you have never had any employees. So what IS your "business"? Mowing lawns, selling boiled peanuts from a roadside stand, or what?
Ah wrong again. you better take a better look at your paycheck again. How do you think they calculate how much unemployment you get if you've
lost your job
the cold war is over, old man. calling everyone a communist went out of style along with bell bottoms and platform shoes with goldfish in them. pointing out how society and the power structure works does not a communist make, but it does serve the purpose of making you look comically like a cranky old douchebag who is still worried about communism in this country.
"When private ownership of resources and means of production ends, so will poverty." Is this or is it not Communist doctrine?