Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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Well-Known Member
I read a grow log on another site a couple of years ago where a guy took clones and ran them at 3 different light cycles.
1 clone was 18/6. 1 was 20/4. 1 was 24/0.
At the end 20/4 was most productive in quantity as well (in his opinion) quality, followed by 18/6 and 24/0 had the worst overall performance.


Well-Known Member
I read a grow log on another site a couple of years ago where a guy took clones and ran them at 3 different light cycles.
1 clone was 18/6. 1 was 20/4. 1 was 24/0.
At the end 20/4 was most productive in quantity as well (in his opinion) quality, followed by 18/6 and 24/0 had the worst overall performance.
do you have a link to this? hopefully this experiment was valid, i mean there cant be any other independent variables besides the light time otherwise its invalid and inaccurate.


Well-Known Member
he's proving his own point, don't believe everything you read online, if it works better for you, go for it.
well nothing has really been proved to me, ive yet to see the growth compared to 24/0. i take everything with a grain of salt, and i learned much from this site but it also helped to grow other acid loving plants other than MJ, i highly suggest it to any new grower.


Well-Known Member
he's proving his own point, don't believe everything you read online, if it works better for you, go for it.

lol touche.

seriously if you havent heard of the 12-5.5-1-5.5 cycle (I run 2 hour gap because it's easier for my timer), you should look in to it.

look up the hash king joe P.

it's not a new technique, i didn't invent it..

much like pulling leafs that squeeze out flower growth, not my invention..




New Member
I've been thinking about this a lot. Outside, i could see needing the protection from the sun, the leaves help to cool. inside, I'm liking taking off some coverage to allow light in.
after using my par meter to measure before and after, the results are amazing. I can get the bottom of the plant into the proper P.a.r range


Well-Known Member
lol touche.

seriously if you havent heard of the 12-5.5-1-5.5 cycle (I run 2 hour gap because it's easier for my timer), you should look in to it.

look up the hash king joe P.

it's not a new technique, i didn't invent it..

much like pulling leafs that squeeze out flower growth, not my invention..


i see your point, ill look into it thanks for the info :)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
and i'm not saying the OG faq thread was not great, it was. but all jorge did was compile a list of facts, he did not fact check them, other than getting the "it's true" from the forum guy he took it from (I'm sure UB will jump in he has that kind of credit in the book)..

for example, he (jorge) says photo period for veg is 18-24 hours of light, but is this fact? or science as some have asked? are there any plants in "nature" (as so many people seem to like to point out) that veg at 24hrs light? what about 18? still a shit ton.. while 'real' horticolture books say nothing of the sort.. look up gas lantern tech

point isn't the info is bad, it's just that his info is regurgitate forum gossip.. take it for the same value you take anything someone says on here..
Being a small part of that project, you are correct about the manner of collection data. Jorge contacted OG site admin as well as started a thread for member input with the idea of collecting the "best" of what OG had to offer regarding cannabis culture, cooking, hash making, etc.....anything dealing with pot and he wanted to put it all together into a concise collection. At first I was a little pissed that someone would use our hard work for personal gain without renumeration. I got over it and became pen pals with him. Hell, the photos alone are worth the price of the book. Some of the "facts" are indeed wrong, including my ditty regarding how Griffin's Spin-Out works by "turning the roots upward", but I digress.

His chapter on lighting is one of the best I've seen, and it is spot on regarding the science and application of it all.

He's also been accused of using a pseudo name of Patton to sell under a different guise too. Don't know if that's true nor do I care. He was nice enough to send me one of the first releases free gratis, photo of autographed copy attached. Apparently the book was a huge success. He told me he was having it translated into quite a few languages.

Most of the info is correct, or damn close, and the color photos are the best of the best. If you want solid botany, horticulture without the anecdotal evidence bullshit, still can't beat Mel Frank's guide.

Uncle Ben



Well-Known Member
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][/FONT]All this debate over lighting and someone trying to state that 24 hours and 18 hours of light don't exist in nature should really look into Alaskan gardening. Those gardens are producing HUGE vegetables, like cabbage bigger than a toddler. I would put up a link but I'm sure a good know it all likes to do their own research.


Well-Known Member
All this debate over lighting and someone trying to state that 24 hours and 18 hours of light don't exist in nature should really look into Alaskan gardening. Those gardens are producing HUGE vegetables, like cabbage bigger than a toddler. I would put up a link but I'm sure a good know it all likes to do their own research.
well 24/0 doesnt exist in nature for sure, idk about 18/6, maybe 16 hours of light is possible somehow but i highly doubt it. but are they doing it under 24/0 or 18/6?


Well-Known Member
having been in AK many times and many different locations its not 24hr light.. at best its a dusk, and even then that is for a short period of the year..

for real, someone is now arguing 24/0 IS natural..

I love this thread, thanks OP


Well-Known Member
for real, someone is now arguing 24/0 IS natural..

I love this thread, thanks OP
Guess you have never been to Barrow, Alaska oh and here's some video of the Midnight Sun in Sweden So, while I'm not saying it's normal everywhere, having occurred annually for quiet a looong time I would say that this would lead one to the conclusion that this, while not normal per say, is in fact Naturally Happening. Feel free to play around with those links to see other varying degrees of daylight, that surpass 18/6 as well.

Now you would have to get inventive to use those sun rays as it never really reaches above freezing there.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
It's all about phytochrome levels which drives the flowering response. Doesn't matter if it's a 14/0 or 24/0. The plant has been programmed to respond hormonally over thousand of years of evolution depending on its region of origin.


Well-Known Member
It's all about phytochrome levels which drives the flowering response. Doesn't matter if it's a 14/0 or 24/0. The plant has been programmed to respond hormonally over thousand of years of evolution depending on its region of origin.
hmmmm. So 2 plants in exact same sun conditions, with different genetic history or origin, would begin flowering at different times?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
hmmmm. So 2 plants in exact same sun conditions, with different genetic history or origin, would begin flowering at different times?
Yes. Equatorial types (10*) are driven mainly by chronological age as opposed to northern lats (40*) which are driven mainly by phytochrome. The reference I made applies to the mutts you're buying, which is driven by phytochrome amounts.


I like to get the plant spread out good and wide with four colas LST'ed, then tie back the fan leaves with yarn. That way the little bud sites grow big and stinky.


Well-Known Member
im so pist i started this fucking thread. has anyone learned anything? i haven't... im starting all over from scratch! reading 1 book and 1 book only. this internet shit is misleading. and trying to follow every jack, dick and bobs ideologies is a fucking joke! sorry, bad past couple of weeks.


Active Member
Check it out man! fan leaves create the sugars and strarches that are the building blocks of flower production. Even leaves from where a clone was taken could or should be left behind. Leave the leaves. even if you have to bunch them as much as possible, and tie them back. When a plant goes into flower production it's not as important to keep, these, leaves exposed to the light. You can pull the flower producing branches forward and tuck the sugar factories under, now they are just storage bins for buds, they refill themselfs from the stored nutes in the vascular system, that pulls from the deposited nutes in the soil.
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