life sucks i will die soon im shure


Well-Known Member
his manure is great for organic nutes to allot of nitrogen and it wont burn plants if not composted i love animals in the pic he is standing on his cardbord box house i made him he loves it :) rabbits are verry smart he even uses his little litter box :) sorry to stray from the subject
those are some dark and brooding emoticons


Well-Known Member
You know nothing of my upbringing. I could have lived in the lap of luxury or watched my mom count quarters to feed me and my brothers. You don't know, so stop acting as if you do.

The difference between you and I, is that I have enough sense to know that regardless of what happened yesterday, if I sit in front of a computer in the dark with no job, I would end up homeless just as you have predicted for yourself. Which is why I have a job to fulfill my financial needs, a social life to keep my mind and body busy, and in my down time to myself I don't make threads on websites for stoners trying to draw sympathy for myself.
i never said i knew of your up bringing douch and im not drawing sympathy its called reaching out for help good im glad you have a job but not everyone is perfect like you looser i would rather be homeless than be anything like you!


Well-Known Member
his manure is great for organic nutes to allot of nitrogen and it wont burn plants if not composted i love animals in the pic he is standing on his cardbord box house i made him he loves it :) rabbits are verry smart he even uses his little litter box :) sorry to stray from the subject
Thats cool m8 lol :leaf:


Well-Known Member
lmao again at the lame sitting in the dark calling be a bitch that's hiding. What am I hiding from? I have had friends that get down and depressed and I tell them the same shit to their face. To get over it, move on, and improve your quality of life in one way so that you have less to be depressed over. If you want a limp shoulder to cry on go find a forum to doctor phil fans.
yea i want a sholder to cry on im am puting you on ignore list and not reading anymore of your negitive comments.


Well-Known Member
i think this thred is getting out of hand i should have never posted this sorry everyone i didnt mean to try and bring sympathy i just wanted advice i will never post something like this agin on a personal level but i will say i got allot of good advise


Well-Known Member
Now you're being a troll go back and read your own posts if you've already forgotten what you've written.

Having a job is being perfect?

You can ignore me but you can't ignore life little bitch.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
i think this thred is getting out of hand i should have never posted this sorry everyone i didnt mean to try and bring sympathy i just wanted advice i will never post something like this agin on a personal level but i will say i got allot of good advise
Well at least you got some advice, good or bad, they both came down to the fact that you need to help yourself get out of this mess. You definitely should get a job, if not just for the money then to just have something to do to keep yourself busy and your mind off things like this. I hate being around large groups of people but I couldn't go through life without working, I need something to keep me busy all the time or I'd go crazy.

Good luck man. :peace: