I got a new honey pan


Well-Known Member
i'm at the point where i want to purposefully ignite a pan of it. under control conditions of course. i want to see if it's just a flash or actually an EXPLOSION. i know of one person who it ignited on and they said it just flashed.
It depends mostly on the air:fuel mix, it's not so much the amount of fuel or air but the ratio of both and HOW they mix... for example fire breathers only use a small ammount of liquid because they are spraying it aerosol into the air, if you just splashed liquid butane onto a candle it probably would just put the candle out- liquid butane in a pan will likely burn with a hugely tall flame... aerosol butane will blow the fucking windows out of your kitchen, especially when mixed with the dust of the common household, or the dust created by blowing powder pot everywhere :P It also depends on the temperature of the butane; the warmer it is the faster it evaporates and thus the greater the danger.

This is why they say to use WELL VENTED AREAS because its the TIME the butane has been around and allowed to mix with air in an enclosed space that is the danger far more than the combustive nature of the fuel itself - really you are burning AIR. If you have ever heard of dust explosions this works the same way.

BE VERY CAREFUL! Always wear goggles when working with anything flammable ALWAYS... please... for your own sake, a single flash up could blind you for life - really! They don't write "WEAR GOGGLES YOU TARD" on every single last explosive product since 1950 for no reason at all :)

Safety first, no sense getting blind trying to get wasted! :mrgreen:

My friend please; for the sake of those that care about you PLEASE don't smoke near liquid butane... please! That shit is insanely dangerous.


Well-Known Member
Could you fill a trash bag with liquid butane and throw it into a fire? Me and my buddies did that with Acetylene (for welding) and it was fucking crazy, we put two bags in and it blew the fucking siding off his garage.


Well-Known Member
can we get pixs of how you smoke this oil. I remember seeing a crazy crack pipe torch set up but... I dunno how that would work...


Well-Known Member
i brought it out the other night and it just didn't feel right smoking it that way. i think i may just toss the crack pipe. :evil:
I'll second that, crack pipes are for crack :?... now green crack... thats a different story.

Do you like Volcano's Fdd? personally i dont think i could use anything else. I mean yeah every now and again I'll roll one up or pack a bowl but mmmmm i just cant help myself when it comes to my volcano, I'll vape a half O in a night with my buddies :mrgreen: and then roll a couple to finish us off...:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to find a way to smoke it alone without buds. I usally take bong loads with a metal screen( tried glass x shaped screen but it melted through. ) but I taste metal and I don't like that. The glass screen works for the hash pipe but... I like bong loads.
Tried vaping it but it dident work well. Has anyone used a volcano for hash only. ??


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to find a way to smoke it alone without buds. I usally take bong loads with a metal screen( tried glass x shaped screen but it melted through. ) but I taste metal and I don't like that. The glass screen works for the hash pipe but... I like bong loads.
Tried vaping it but it dident work well. Has anyone used a volcano for hash only. ??

Yes, it knocks you flat on your ass.......


Well-Known Member
I've wanted to get a volcano but i heard they're pretty expensive. Whats the price for one of those bad boys now a days?


Well-Known Member
I got mine for $420, barely used off craigslist from a dude down in the Bay Area. But retail i think the Classics's are $550 and the Digitals one runs like $669 or something around there. Its worth it though, i mean fuck i bake with my vaped volcano bowls, it makes some damn good butter. So i mean your smoking healthier, you can use your already smoked bud for baking, and it makes a great addition to a party, the bag system is fucking awesome.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats pretty pricey. can you use nugs from all other vaporizers after they have been smoked for baking?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you can.. the volcano is just a fine piece of German engineering baby... not like those wooden box whip style vaporizers