Whoreable's Grow


Well-Known Member
Yah, i know theres no real way to tell until sexing, but what would you think the odds are as of its apperance now?

smells when touched mildly, this was the case with a previous grow in which I had a female. Ive heard myths that early stinky means a male but i dunno.



Well-Known Member
i had an early very stinky jock an this morning i looked and its female so keep your fingers crossed, you might get a girl


Well-Known Member
Nothing too noticable over the last few days, I figure its foucising most of the growth on all the smaller growth underneath the fan blades.



Well-Known Member
Tommorow when roomates are at there Night School Im going to attatch that T12 Base mount to a board of wood that gave this shelf 2 sections.

Then I can rotate it either Horizontal or Vertical, depending on how I want to utitlize the T12.

Or do you all think the T12 should be the Dedicated Overhead Lighting and use CFL's for sidelighting? Im going to pickup some Y-Spliters.

T12- 33w Grolux 6500k DAYLIGHT 1250Lumen
CFL- 23w 5000k Full Spectrum 1650Lumen


Well-Known Member
I hope, theres nothing coming out of those round calyx, waiting for a white pistil.. ;)

btw, its been less than a month veg. not inducing veg, 2 more weeks.


Active Member
maaan she is looking good....one of my sprouts has leaf curling as well, mine are what is called shiva shanti strain, from what i read when i bought the seeds it is an indica strain, HOWEVER, i had one bagseed and since i was a dumbass and forgot to mark them, the one that is curling could be that bagseed lol..if so our bagseeds may be the same strain, who the hell knows lol? Anyways, she is looking gorgeous, keep up the great work, man i hope mine look like yours, lighting is sure a bich huh?


Well-Known Member
Hahah, yah. Thanks for the post Toadqueen.

After todays nap, I noticed the leaves at the top are getting a little yellowish tint, and the green looks splotchy.

Im not sure if its Nute-Burn from the MG or Nute deficency. I had a bottle of Fish Emulsion i used for last grow, If I can find it Im going to start adding some of that. Its from Alaskan and I believe its 5-1-1-1 I dont recall.

Hopefully this new symptom wont last much longer, I will upload pictures in a few hours after they perk up from the nap.


Well-Known Member
Found my Fish Emlusion, I may get something higher in Nitrogen when Flowering in 2 weeks.
I have some Scotts Tomato Fert that is 30-10-10
This emlusion is 5-1-1 and has some Iron, I think i have an Iron Deficiency maybe.

Fuck, I shoulda just used a different soil, like FoxFarm, I think its too late to transplant, dont know how far the roots went down.


Well-Known Member
It really hasnt gotten too much worse but it hasent gotten better either Erysichthon, The new Growth up top is quite Yellow compared to the other lower sets and the Texture has changed in the leafs.

I dont know if the MG Moisture Control is to blame or a Lack of nutes. So i'm hesitant to add the Fish Emulsion until this clear's, dont want to kill this young beauty.


Active Member
i am a newbie grower, but i would say, try a very weak ass nute solution, might pop her out of it...make it real real weak tho since the leaves are not curled and she isn't wilty, she just may need a lil nutes, i am a newb tho, dunno what she is defficent in:(


Well-Known Member
miracle grow soil rocks. stop blaming it. not sure what the problem is though. your plant doesn't look to bad. if anything i'd feed it half strength.