Most favored way of smoking pot

Cheif Kief

Favorite all time method is to roll a nice joint :bigjoint:, followed up by hitting a bowl off a bong bongsmilie and then vape .. not a fan with pipes and blunts, bongs>pipes imo. And blunts get me high way too fast, prefer to take my time to get lifted.


Active Member
I smoke a few big bong hits with full melt hash on top of some good sativa dominant bud then I roll a nice joint and maybe take a few hits out of a glass pipe.


Well-Known Member

Got a piece being made from a shop on etsy

They are going to incorporate my logo some how.


Cheif Kief

More amazed with the case you have with the bong, hard to come across one of those convenient fucks around here. Tired of putting bongs in shoeboxes wrapped in bubble wrap lol

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
i think the best way is honestly to pack one of everything because they all have advantages over the others. start off with pipe and work yourself up to the bong; grand finale! i've never done it but sounds like a successful youtube vid to me:)


Well-Known Member
lol d3monic did you really pelican case a piece of china glass?

Run weed to BHO, vape off HMK rig. done


Well-Known Member
I have got to say my favorite is glass rod bong hits, keeps the flavor



Well-Known Member
My most favorite way to smoke is now without persecution from the law.
So having a card is the best way I'll ever smoke!!!


King Tut
But that case had little holes to put all those other shit in, I want somethin like that to put my grinder and weed in as well
Many gun cases have foam inside that can be cut to any shape you'd like with an exacto knife. You might find something similar for electronics too.