My pc's been Hijacked....


New Member
Now...before anyone gives me any shit, I know im not one thats really reccomended cfls in the past, Ive tried using them before and they just suck. Honestly thats all there is too it, Id MUCH rather be using 4ft fluro tubes again... But i dont have a room to use (kids will be here with me this summer)
and the wife would kill me If i did anyways (again the kids will be here this summer and she has worries about them being here with plants, so i wont ever have any going in the time frames that they are with us for a little security on her nerves)

So ive got this little box going inside a pc with some hiack babies in it under cfls. That way they can be under 24hr light instead of the 13 hr light thats making my outdoor bagseed stretch like hell....

so far, out of 5 plants total in there, 2 of which are looking like they may be on the indica side a lil more....Although, it could just be that those 2 are a little stronger.

I know theres a bit of yellow on them, I underwatered them one day. (humidity is like LOW in that case cause of the fans on in there....soil drys out way too fast in dat beech:evil:)

I hate it but its all i got (right now) so i wanted to show it off a bit
they are small for 2 weeks old but i havent given any nutes (will when they hit 3 nodes). Ill be putting them outside some time near the end of this month. leaves are small, but the roots are filling those cups:blsmoke:


New Member
looking good so far.

i would rock some envirolites or vitalumes or some shit
some what?

Why not take the drives and motherboard out?
because if i took the drivers out then it leaves a big hole in the front where the pc would normally be turned on @.
i have the leds in the front hooked up to a 12volt transformer too so they glow when the fan is running, just like the pc were on.:blsmoke:

i would gut the whole shit honestly!
i would too if I could, then i could add more of these dinky cfl's:roll:

ROFLMAO!!!! asshole? smart ass? both?
always, thats one of the reasons we love him so much.:mrgreen:


New Member
Ok update, yesterday me and my wife got into it and I decided that I was going to leave her for a bit. After a long argument she decided to try and call the cops on me to have me removed from the house....surprise, were married and they couldent make me leave. (lmao)
but I put the plants outside cause she threatened me (again) with a RO and a bug ate the damn leaves off one of them on one side. Poor thing was only 2 nodes high and now its missing half of both of those nodes (like it were cut down the center and one side was removed).

then I told her to chill the hell out, blew some smoke from a bowl around her....and talked our differences out like responsible people (Which i was trying to do from the start?).

i put one in a gallon sized pot and watered the hell out of it and put it in the full sun to have a comparison between what they would be outside and what they would be as if left in the pc for another month.

my bagseed outdoors is 4 nodes high and the tallest is 8 fuckin inches tall tho, not very good odds...but i can only hope. The hijack is producing early resin on the leaves(all of em are) and 3 of 5 look more indica than a sativa right now.
blow up my babies blow UP!:blsmoke:


New Member
those big cfls
eh, i would but i will only be using this to start seedlings in really. I may do a small grow with like 1 plant in there later on sometime tho,
if i do ill deff be adding bigger cfls. right now theres 2 36watt ones in there(both cool white of course:mrgreen:)


New Member
oh...i forgot you're outdoors

my bad, i hope you and wife are okay.

Its straight bra. I dont like being strictly outdoor but its better than nuthin i guess. well better than smoking on the schwag thats usually around here anyways...

me and the old lady is straight, we had a couple drinks last night and started working everything out. my only problem is really that she dosent listen as much as she should. preciate the concern tho man, my ass was sho enough going back to the atl yesterday.


New Member

im trying to convince my ol lady lets pack the fuck up and move to cali
I hear ya, i cant afford 2 house payments just quite yet tho, and this land that my trailer is sitting on has been family land for over 100 years (wifes side). The house is financed in with the land, so we cant sell out from under this mofo:cry:

one day tho.....
in all honesty id rather be here if weed were legal here cause things are cheaper out thisa way.

oh by the way i just saw the new sig....
what are people thinking these days? is ther that much wrong info really on this site? Its just too big i cant be everywhere @ once even tho i try


New Member
you right about that!!!!!!!!!!
its cause you play with the noobies so damn much. I try to stay away from that section cause some of em make me ill and i dont wanna be rude.

when kp was here she put someones quote up in her sig that said something along the lines of
"whats with all these noobies using ghetto stuff in their grows like tin foil? When you say anything to them they are like "but it works". Sure it does!, but no it dosent.

I get that shit all the time when i try to help folks out. Now that i think about it, my plants have been burnt to shit by the convergence of light from crinkly mylar....but most argue that tin foil is fine....


Well-Known Member
have you seen that thread? and the others? the fallen soldier thread?

he actually implies i no nothing or im talking out my ass!


Well-Known Member
California is expensive, but I have this little thing from my doctor that allows me to grow so it's cool. But a house payment out here is like having two (or five) in most of the other states.


Well-Known Member

Just playing devil's advocate here, so don't hate me for the suggestion. But are you sure that it's a good time to be growing? Maybe you have things patched up right now, but I know how it can go with marital stuff. Things can go from good to bad in the blink of an eye. If she's threatening to call the cops on you AND she's pissed enough to tell them about your plants, she'd get you out of that house for sure. Just looking out for you man.

And also, just for the record, I am a newb myself. I love advice and drink it up with an industrial sized straw. So don't give up on the newbie forum please. People like me still need your help and will show proper appreciation as well!