CAT Friend... VS Dog Friend


Well-Known Member
Cats are little shit heads, and little dogs arn't dogs. Big Dogs equal best pets
I was never a fan of smaller dogs.. in fact the fat little pig <---- there was purchased for my DD... and I ended up taking her for myself since she is so loveable and fun.

Had a few boxers and a Pit mix some rotts and even something called a cockapoo... but this little one is my fav.


Active Member
Cats all the way....I have three of em, maybe im just lucky but none of them are like the usual cat stereotype.Come home and they are sprinting to the door for attention.I used to be a dog guy but just find them dumb.Whats worse is the people that think dogs are so great because they own three pitbulls simply for the image.I know a few people like that-And then they wonder why people hate on the breed so much.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
everyone loves dogs but cats demand respect. they have dignity. they would never lower themselves to do the bidding of a human. they are confident in their own superiority.



Well-Known Member
dogs NEED training in order to behave properly.

cats got that shit down.

enough said.
sure, if you want a pet that you can only interact on their terms with, and go no where with, and do pretty much nothing with.

by all means, go with the cat. :roll:

Dogs rule. Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
sure, if you want a pet that you can only interact on their terms with, and go no where with, and do pretty much nothing with.

by all means, go with the cat. :roll:

Dogs rule. Nuff said.
please.......cats are amazing. all you do is throw something and they are hooked on fucking with it and can go for hours on its own. chases its own tail and is attracted to anything that moves fast then slow. the cat can sit on your lap and doesnt smell like dogs do. plus a cat doesnt tuck its tail between its legs like a dog will when you yell at it. they are bold and fearless. want a pussy get a dog you screem at it and it quivers like a bitch and hides its tail on its nuts


Well-Known Member
sure, if you want a pet that you can only interact on their terms with, and go no where with, and do pretty much nothing with.

by all means, go with the cat. :roll:

Dogs rule. Nuff said.
i want a pet that is self dependent. if i wanted to be a babysitter i'd simply have another kid. if i want to interact with someone i'll call a friend.

dogs don't "rule". dog owners do. otherwise your dog is outta control.


Well-Known Member

This dog rules. How can you take your cat for a hike in the woods, train them to find wounded deer, go swimming with them, play fetch till they drop, get every girl in a mile to come and meet your pet. Come on man, we're comparing apples and oranges here. If I wanted an at home, silly little pet I'd get a hampster, they don't use a nasty litter box.

BTW, I'm just fucking with you. I'm glad you guys love your animals, no matter if they're a cat, dog, or a bird. Animals rule. I love them all.


Well-Known Member
please.......cats are amazing. all you do is throw something and they are hooked on fucking with it and can go for hours on its own. chases its own tail and is attracted to anything that moves fast then slow. the cat can sit on your lap and doesnt smell like dogs do. plus a cat doesnt tuck its tail between its legs like a dog will when you yell at it. they are bold and fearless. want a pussy get a dog you screem at it and it quivers like a bitch and hides its tail on its nuts
And dogs don't whine when they get thrown in the shower stall and try and climb the glass:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I always wanted a box of shit in my house, so I got a cat.
My cat goes outside to piss and shit. They can also be trained to use the toilet.

everyone loves dogs but cats demand respect. they have dignity. they would never lower themselves to do the bidding of a human. they are confident in their own superiority.

sure, if you want a pet that you can only interact on their terms with, and go no where with, and do pretty much nothing with.

by all means, go with the cat. :roll:

Dogs rule. Nuff said.
My cat does dog tricks.

Cats can be trained to walk to heel. Some even talk to you..

My kitty loves playing fetch, cuddles and attention, jumping into my lap and grooming (yes, licking) me whenever he ca.

Im a dog person, but can only have a cat so make the best of it. You big men shoul have no trouble not letting a kitty walk all over you and teach it to sit on command at least lol


Well-Known Member
My cat goes outside to piss and shit. They can also be trained to use the toilet.

My cat does dog tricks.

Cats can be trained to walk to heel. Some even talk to you..

My kitty loves playing fetch, cuddles and attention, jumping into my lap and grooming (yes, licking) me whenever he ca.

Im a dog person, but can only have a cat so make the best of it. You big men shoul have no trouble not letting a kitty walk all over you and teach it to sit on command at least lol
Boy or girlie that enjoys licking you?:lol: