Mutant seedling (PICS)


Well-Known Member
I'm so it will turn into my mother plant.

I'm still thinking of a name...not sure yet...anyone with some idea's? name won't be given until dried and smoked.


New Member
Ive had some plants do some weird things.. I once had two sprouts from one seed it was pretty sick but the plant had died before flower it was suppose to be bubba kush??


Well-Known Member
i figure i'd show the other seedlings as well.

The first picture is plant 1 day 3.
The second is plant 2 at day 2, and the third picture is plant 6 day 2.

1 more seedling croaked so i'm down to 4 seedlings and 1 still not popped up yet...i did do a careful dig and did find it was growing a it's just a late riser hopefully.



Well-Known Member
try post another pic after a couple days
Why?....will my camera be broken?
i just wanna see how the tri cot. comes out
OK PHEWWW!!! I thought my camera was gonna break and you were psychic and you knew that.

I am too...i have never seen this in over 20 years...but im sure someone on here has. camera went PLFTTHHHH!!!! I knew you were psychic:cuss:


Well-Known Member
So the mutant is just going crazy...this morning when i woke up it was already growing it's 2nd set of leaves...this plant is going to be a monster.


Active Member
your crossing your own? still needs work, unstable. unstable gene's produced 3 cot's. this plant will be insane, keep breeding the impurities out of it, you do know lowryders took 15 yrs to develop?



Well-Known Member
your crossing your own? still needs work, unstable. unstable gene's produced 3 cot's. this plant will be insane, keep breeding the impurities out of it, you do know lowryders took 15 yrs to develop?

Didn't know that about the lowryder's, but i did know about it being it's first gen the genes wouldn't be very stable for alot of expected with all new strains. I hope to have better seeds by next year. This is my first attempt.


Well-Known Member
The plants are doing fine as of today...growing nicely. The mutant seems to be in stunted mode, as it hasn't really gotten any bigger over the last 2 days, it still has it first 3 single bladed leaves, plus it's second set. It's also looking a little yellowish, no concern...but still a very odd plant.

I am currently germing the remainder of seeds, and so far 5 have cracked and 2 are already showing a tap root. Tomorrow i will plant the remainder of the seeds, i need as many as possible if i'm to find a good phenotype for stablizing the genes.


Well-Known Member
Alright chaps, newly registered especially for this thread after a fruitful google search for 'mutant cannabis seedling'.

Kind of glad I did really, seeing as I have a mutant also!

She is only growing at half the rate of the other seedlings though, hopefully she will catch up. (I say 'she' because I'm hoping it is).

I'll keep you all posted with progress as & when there are noticeable differences :)


Well-Known Member
It would appear that I have TWO mutants!! :?

I only just noticed it whilst sitting here.... Its got a bit of a gamy leaf on it, looks like two but moulded into one.

The normal leaves appear to be following the same trend too..... either way, it should be an interesting plant :D


most of the time, these will either be genetically inferior plants and will grow much slower than the others; or it will grow out of it soon and be normal from then on. i've seen some crazy sprouts, i have one now, which is ironically a first gen cross of my last grow, that has one large cotyledon and one blade leaf; but i bet she'll be ok. just take care of them like you do the rest, could turn out to be a worthless plant, but it could also be a crazy pheno that you want to keep around for years! just have to grow it out and see what happens. good luck


Well-Known Member
Quick update on my mutes :D

15 days old from seed now ;)

This is the one I am most interested in. I can't wait to see how the leaves look on it :)
