Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
I was up at 6 to do some garden work and i have some more to do later :) sundays been good so far. I think i might stop at the mexican meat market that just opened up for some tacos later. I always read your posts Cat, i just dont subscribe to many threads and have been having some growing pains in the garden lately. I had a herm and had taken half my clones from it cause it was the best looking out of the group. Lost half the garden unfortunatly. Ah well, cant keep this ninja down cause i dont give a fuuuuck lol :):):)


Well-Known Member
I was up at 6 to do some garden work and i have some more to do later :) sundays been good so far. I think i might stop at the mexican meat market that just opened up for some tacos later. I always read your posts Cat, i just dont subscribe to many threads and have been having some growing pains in the garden lately. I had a herm and had taken half my clones from it cause it was the best looking out of the group. Lost half the garden unfortunatly. Ah well, cant keep this ninja down cause i dont give a fuuuuck lol :):):)

Awe man I was just fuckin with you guys its all good! That sucks with the clones man I've been in that spot multiple times in the last 4 years. I was just in that spot before Christmas, but thankfully a friend was able to help me out and I got the table filled. I have that one strawberry that popped a few nanners but it wasn't bad enough I'm killin the clones. Its possible it happened from some stress or something and they might not even do it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bay watcher I thought they were coming along well. This will be my first harvest since about october or november with getting injured and all, so it will be greatly welcomed.


Well-Known Member
Searching for a place has been a long and tedious road so far. It gets really discouraging not finding anything or being able to afford what we find. I'm truely hoping its all leading up to us finding just the right place on purpose.


Well-Known Member
Yep had the journal for a couple years now. I've been toying with things and doing my best to give everything a nice sugar coating every time.


Well-Known Member
So I trimmed up half that diesel plant last night and left the other half to dry with the suger leaves all on. I left the stuff I trimmed up on my screen, and it was reasonably dry tonight. Sooo I broke some of that up and mixed it with some decent stuff I got yesterday finally. For only being at 4 weeks not too bad I gotta say.The wife and I are both pretty damn high right now. It definitely had the diesel taste, not much smell yet still needs to dry more and cure a bit. I know I didn't get the most weight out of the plant by taking it early, but the smoke is I'll say a 6.5-7.

The seedlings are almost ready to give me clones, so I think once my current run of clones is out of the chamber I'll be doing that. I'm gonna try to get the new tray in the next 2 weeks because I'm gonna have clones ready for sure. Some of them are already shooting up a bit. Should be exciting the next couple months.


Well-Known Member
You never told me you had a journal TC. ;)

Hope all's well bro. Going to be an exciting couple of months for sure.


Well-Known Member
I guess I just forgot. lol... kidding bro. Your journal is one of the reasons I don't unsubscribe from things, cuz sometimes you guys show back up after a couple years. Not sure if you knew him, but lil mafia popped back on not too long ago. Of course you didn't know he was gone as you were gone. Glad you are back man.


Well-Known Member
Me too man it has been really invigorating. Its been great having such a warm welcome back from you guys too! Growing had almost gotten to be a chore, not that I always feel like doing what I need to, but its been getting to be more and more fun again. Its been great getting some fresh genes and mixing things up a bit.

Along with this whole moving to CO idea, I've been trying to decide on how I will change up my grow to meet plant numbers. If its 3 plants per patient flowering at a time I'll have to cut down to 6 plants unless I became a caregiver. That being said I know I could make those 6 plants huge. Unfortunately alot will depend on how much room I end up with if/when I actually manage to find a place. Transfering out there with my company is no longer an option since as of the beginning of this month I no longer am employed due to my injury. This is also going to complicate getting a mortgage when the time comes. Even when my wife or I gets back to work we won't have the whole 2 years on the job they like to see.

Oh well I'll cross that bridge when I get there. For now I'm gonna grow my ass off and try to enjoy every second of it. Wait till you guys see next weeks pics, the calyxes are visibly beginning to swell up and the buds are thickening nicely.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see how your cindy's do growing your style.. I was actually thinking of something similar on my next go around. I think the only reason why are Cindy's are so bushy is the fact that we all gave the plant a chop after so many nodes. I still have my 2 clones i took from my C99. And they were thrown into 12/12 right away, which is pretty much what you do. Atleast they can give you a measuring stick to go by.


Well-Known Member
For sure that will be nice to watch man!

Thanks for stoping buy guys I hope I can live up to all my hype I give myself. lol


Well-Known Member
So I just bought my first bong in about 6 years. I said along time ago I anted my next bong to have a perc, and an ice catcher so thats what I got. I ended up with a Phire glass 7mm I believe it has whats called a chandelier perc. Its their legacy series, and I'm about to test it out with some of this diesel. Heres the pics

Ew ew it was an expensive day, I also got my new 4x4 table woot! Along with a few bottles of things more pics to come the next few days once I get things set up!

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
lol< that looks like my old couch.. hahaha

Nice bong.. To this day I've never bought or owned a bong. can't believe it.. I've used many. But never had the urgh to spend money on one. One day... one day lmao