Best time to start outdoor grow in NY?


New Member
First full season of outdoor growing, wondering when the best time to plant seeds(or should I germinate and let grow in a window for a few inches?) weather lately has been highs of 48-70 degrees F, lows of 39-45 degrees F.
i would start them off inside also and (if using lights) introduce them to the sun slowly (a few hours a day) then put them outside maybe week 3ish, good luck bongsmilie
copper pipes help rid slugs and make a solution up of garlic and dish washing liquid to spray them with to stop flys eating them
May 1st or when the threat of frost is gone. You technically could now, however depends what your planting as well, Auto, or regular, if its regular I see that in your neck of the woods right now the sunrise is at 6:17am and sun set is at 19:36. So now that we have found out when the sun rises and sets we know how many hours of sun we are getting. 19:37 - 6:17 = 13:19 hours of sun, you may plant outside as soon as the average daily temps are at least in the 60's, and when I consult the internet again about the weather where you live I see that May is a good time to start planting.

This my friend is not only an answer but it is also a feeding of information by spoon to a Dude that refers to himself on the internet as a Dutch Master, which is laughable.

Too early still they most likely will start flowering. I would wait atleast till May even mid May.
Too cold to start now. Im not familiar with ny weather but you dont want temps much lower them least thats what ive been told for indoor
Prolly better off to start of with a more humble name that doesn't suggest he is a Dutch Master and then start asking some basic shit about growing, Like that is a question basically about growing anything anywhere. The information on growing in specific areas is plastered all over the net. So Dutch Master + Newb question = Sarcasm from me.

Your Right though with many years of Experience and some help from RIU he indeed can become a New York Yankee Master.

My apologies for my lack of propriety I was mildly offended/amused.
id wait till we are around 60 constant day time at least

im also a veg gardener and im puting my cold weather crops out now peas lettice peppers and wife puting a few things out
i dont think weed is a cld weather crop would have to be select crops from a colder climate

can start them inside N wait right now we get 60 one day and 35 for one day then 40 a 55 then a 40 another 2 @ 60

im N JRZY right across da riba


I am in NE Pa close to the border of NY. I have to wait until the end of May before the last frost is gone here and the ground is warm enough.
I always start indoors and transplant later. I made the mistake op putting them in too early my first year and lost some nice plants to the ground being to cold still.
Exactly, just looking for some help. Thank you. It's just a name,i don't spend my time thinking of clever names like sativa dragon, just looking for some help. Not being ridiculed for a user name to a grow forum.
a name is a name at the end of the day whats wrong with dutchmaster339? maybe he is the 339th dutch master in the making you never know