What's wrong with people?


Well-Known Member
How about a thread for the most unbelievable news? Read this article about bars in NJ. Out of 150 alcohol samples, 30 were not what they were supposed to be; including one bar selling rubbing alcohol and caramel as Scotch. At 13 TGI Fridays, they were refilling expensive bottles of booze with cheap stuff and charging premium prices. This is America!



Well-Known Member
Most unbelievable news?...this usually involves stella awards:

"This year's runaway First Place Stella Award winner was Mrs. Merv Grazinski, of Oklahoma City, who purchased a new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, from an OU football game, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go to the back of the Winnebago to make herself a sandwich. "Not surprisingly, the motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Also not surprisingly, Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually leave the driver's seat while the cruise control was set.


Well-Known Member
Most unbelievable news?...this usually involves stella awards:

"This year's runaway First Place Stella Award winner was Mrs. Merv Grazinski, of Oklahoma City, who purchased a new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, from an OU football game, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go to the back of the Winnebago to make herself a sandwich. "Not surprisingly, the motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Also not surprisingly, Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually leave the driver's seat while the cruise control was set.

ROTFLMFAO!!!! Thank you. You had me at Jokelahoma!!!


Well-Known Member
Most unbelievable news?...this usually involves stella awards:

"This year's runaway First Place Stella Award winner was Mrs. Merv Grazinski, of Oklahoma City, who purchased a new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, from an OU football game, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go to the back of the Winnebago to make herself a sandwich. "Not surprisingly, the motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Also not surprisingly, Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually leave the driver's seat while the cruise control was set.
Lol. Remember that story from years ago. Always assumed it was an urban myth. Is anyone that thick?


Well-Known Member
Its called "passing off" been going on for decaeds and happens in more bars and clubs than you realise


Well-Known Member
We've suspected that in Spain for years unless we're out in VIP and buy new bottles for our table. I reckon some fast food outlets don't use real Heinz Ketchup and refill with some cheap shit. Now, that's criminal!


Well-Known Member
She won the lawsuit, as a result Winnebago had to change the owner's manual...:mrgreen:
THAT'S what's wrong with America. I mean, did she think she could set the cruise control on her car and go to sleep until she got to where she was going? At some point people have to be acoountable for their own stupidity.