1000w 5x5 Soil Grow. Day 16 Flower-Harvest


Well-Known Member
Lookin good. Seems like youre doin a SOG with little veg. I like how bushy the plants are. Hope to see the rest of the details unfold.


Ok and here we are all up to speed on day 16 12/12. The uploads are a little difficult to figure out.
I backed off the nutrients a touch because they started to burn when I switched over to bloom nutrients. Now they are pale yellow. Im going to give them a 25% dose of Veg nutes and see how they react. Whatever is wrong it doesn't seem to be affecting bud production.


And now backtracking to the setup

Before I do I would like to state that this is a legal grow. It is is in compliance with all local laws pertaining to the territory I reside in. All documentation and licenses have been obtained.

What strain is it? 2 strains White Domina and Ak 40 sumthin accidentally mixed up some AK seeds
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? White Domina is Indica and depending on the AK some percentage of hybrid
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? flower
If in Veg... For how long?
If in Flower stage… 16 days of 12/12
Indoor or outdoor? In
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Black Gold cut down with pete moss and perilite (however u spell it)
If soil... What size pot? 5 gallon
Size of light? 1000
Is it aircooled? yes
Temp of Room/cab? 71-82F
RH of Room/cab? 40-45
PH of media or res? 6.2-6.6
Any Pests ? gnats but gnatrol will soon be used
How often are you watering? every 3-4 days when they are completely dry
Type and strength of ferts used? General Hydroponics

Im keeping this journal to keep track of things a bit. I never have been good at tracking things especially in bloom. Plus it will be nice to share and get some feedback on this one.

I have a little experience with growing in the past but Im no expert by any means. Any advice or input is always welcome and
Thank you for stopping by to check out my setup and allowing me to be a part of your community.


So it seems every set of photos uploaded differently and I can't see half of them. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
try uploading a couple at a time? itll happen to my every once in a while but usually if something like that happens its the site and not just you haha


try uploading a couple at a time? itll happen to my every once in a while but usually if something like that happens its the site and not just you haha
Appreciate the response my friend. It is literally driving me insane.


Hopefully this shows the yellow plants better and maybe i can get some input.
Lights off


if its mainly the lower leaves that are yellowing, its likely a slight ph or light penetration issue. Whats your soils ph? It should be 6.2 ideally from what i know about soil/soil-less mix's.


if its mainly the lower leaves that are yellowing, its likely a slight ph or light penetration issue. Whats your soils ph? It should be 6.2 ideally from what i know about soil/soil-less mix's.
It is heaviest at the bottom but they seem tinted yellow overall. I know I've had this in late stage flower but never this early.

Ive checked soil in most containers and its all good between 6-6.6.
Humidity is good
temps are good
nutrients were given until evidence of burn showed. After a week and a half i gave them 25% veg nutrients to see if maybe the stretch sucked the nitrogen out of them.
I dunno though Im kinda stumped. Like i said earlier bud production seem to be unfazed by it but I don't care for it all that much.


what nutes are you using and whats their NPK values? It doesn't seem like it would be a PH issue since those values should be fine in a soil/medium grow. If flower production is unaffected, then your probably right its a N issue, though during flower they don't need a lot of N. If you juiced the nutes till you saw a lil burn, try flushing again and giving a 50% feeding of bloom nutes, most bloom formulas still have enough N to keep the leaves green.


what nutes are you using and whats their NPK values? It doesn't seem like it would be a PH issue since those values should be fine in a soil/medium grow. If flower production is unaffected, then your probably right its a N issue, though during flower they don't need a lot of N. If you juiced the nutes till you saw a lil burn, try flushing again and giving a 50% feeding of bloom nutes, most bloom formulas still have enough N to keep the leaves green.
I Pulled the worst AK and the worst White Domina out for better viewing. They are the worst out of the group. Next watering they are getting a 50% feeding of bloom to see what they do.


IMG_2233_zps70c94885.jpgthese are 2 AK's I was holding for a friend while he was out of the country for a bit.
IMG_2230_zps4652df1b.jpgJust finished feeding/watering with 50% bloom
IMG_2236_zpsc72d88dd.jpgHes picking the ak's up this week and it looks sad without them lol



Ok so at the advice of another grower, I have started checking the runoff for PH swings. After the initial inquiries into the PH of the runoff I have concluded that my PH is really low. Even though my direct soil readings are 6-6.8 my runoff is reading low. So low in fact that "LOW" is literally the reading. So low that no numbers are showing its just off the chart low. I am in the process of fixing it now. A couple more waterings with high PH values should bring them back in a week or so. So at least I have pinpointed the yellowing.
Somewhere around day 26 of 12/12