Zimmerman sells American Flag painting for over $110,000


Well-Known Member
The only one here with a substandard IQ is you. Did Trayvon have a gun? No he had skittles. Zimmerman killed him in cold blood. You are one of the most openly racist people on this forum, you make comments about blacks and minorities on a daily basis, no one expects you to see Zimmerman as a murderer.

I mean for christ's sake you called that idiotic unoriginal painting amazing art. Anything that's racist, nationalist, or anti immigrant makes you wet.
tell it to the jury... Oh wait...


God Here, I would be careful of throwing the whole IQ thing around, you don't seem to be breaking any barriers in that department.


Well-Known Member
OJ isn't doing years for stealing his own shit. Officially sure, that's why he's locked up. He's got his years for killing a white woman. I didn't say he doesn't deserve it, just sayin.


Well-Known Member
OJ isn't doing years for stealing his own shit. Officially sure, that's why he's locked up. He's got his years for killing a white woman. I didn't say he doesn't deserve it, just sayin.
The problem with the issue is there is a group of people who will never let Zimmerman be judged innocent and some of them are radical enough to endanger his life.

In America we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty and when acquitted we are supposed to be treated accordingly.

When OJ was acquitted I did not scream for his further incarceration or another trial, etc. It was the way it was and he walked. His own dumb ass got himself thrown in jail in the future.

Zimmy seems to be on the same self destructive path if he doesnt watch it.

Unfortunately for Zimmy, he is the poster boy for social justice and therefore does not deserve a break under the law nor anything else..


OJ isn't doing years for stealing his own shit. Officially sure, that's why he's locked up. He's got his years for killing a white woman. I didn't say he doesn't deserve it, just sayin.
I see your point. Do you believe that though, do you think it's a revenge thing, I wouldn't put anything past some of these people, they are little petty, but it just seems strange they would do that. I don't know of course.


Well-Known Member
you don't base your self esteem off the worthless comments of white supremacist sock puppets on RIU?
Considering the average IQ is 100, and high IQ's are few and far between, I don't find it surprising that most people in this section are not that bright. They all just regurgitate the same crap all day long, I wouldn't be surprised if Desert Douche is trying to project his idiocy.


Well-Known Member
Considering the average IQ is 100, and high IQ's are few and far between, I don't find it surprising that most people are not that bright. They all just regurgitate the same idiotic crap all day long, I wouldn't be surprised if Desert Douche is trying to project his idiocy.
notice how desert dude and kynes have had nothing to say to nervyn or bignbushy about their racism, but how those two cry hysterics about el tib?


I thought we had sorted out this racism and white supremacist issue buck, you need to move on man, it's clouding you judgement.


Well-Known Member
that shit was a travesty, and the reason? money gets you freedom. look at the recent 16 yearold who murdered 4 people while he was driving 3x over the legal limit and he gets to stay in what is essentially a high quality group home instead of facing jailtime. Money bro, money.
They send a lot of children to Jail where you live?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The only one here with a substandard IQ is you. Did Trayvon have a gun? No he had skittles. Zimmerman killed him in cold blood. You are one of the most openly racist people on this forum, you make comments about blacks and minorities on a daily basis, no one expects you to see Zimmerman as a murderer.

I mean for christ's sake you called that idiotic unoriginal painting amazing art. Anything that's racist, nationalist, or anti immigrant gets you wet.
If "Zimmerman killed him in cold blood", how do you explain the acquittal? It was pretty obvious from the start that it was self defense. The state did not charge Z with a crime because there was no crime. Charges were only brought against Z as a sop to the race baters such as yourself.

You're more than just dumb, you're also a liar.

Zim is an amazing artist and a super hero. He pulls helpless families from burning vehicles and marches for social justice. He is a white-brown-yellow-black-chartreuse-pink-hispanic-jew-german concoction for the ages.


Well-Known Member
PPL need to realize that he was not guilty of murder so all you haters need to go and fuck your self's. Watch the videos of the VICTOM stalking his son and brutally beating his 12 year old son. I would not let my kid take a beating like that so am I racist. Just cause the kid was black don't mean shit. If it was a Latin or white kid it wouldn't of made as much term oil as this shit. ON top of it all travons parents are liars and yet they continue to push the fact. If he was guilty trust me he would be in jail.


Well-Known Member
People aren't paying $110,000 for art, its not really that great, but the are paying the cash because someone super famous painted it.

Now if the media had not latched onto Zimmy like a pit bull in an effort to make him guilty, he wouldn't be able to sell the painting at all. Now he is famous and his pocket lint is worth more than a weeks wages for most people.