Pure psychedelic sativa 12/12 from seed 150W HPS grow

mushrooms when dried to the bone loose 9/10 of their weight, so 2 grams dried = 20 grams fresh
brilliant! omg cant wait to try it out. chocolate is a great idea. i wasn't using it cause seller told to avoid eating sugar unless ur tripping too hard.. so i was eating it with yoghurt.. but if u do it, then i believe it works.

one friend said to me that he also hated the taste of truffles and he doesn't have that feeling with shrooms.. it's still disgusting, at least body does not deny it. will have tro try for myself i guess.

guys do you have any estimate on how much can i take of non dry shrooms?
cause my friend is flying over in 3weeks and if i'll harvest it in 18 days., it will have too little time to dry.
You should be able to dry them in 3 days.
We just got a double boiler. Maybe I should make some mushroom chocolates...
It's really not much. A cup of fresh mushrooms is going to weigh somewhere in the area of 75-100g. Figure you would typically serve a half cup as a side with dinner.
Hey Cronic! glad to see you back :) well run was more successful on zamal, i failed to bring most of destroyer, anyway, i learned a lot and being way more positive about my next grow :) will see how kali mist will appreciate it. see you there ;)