Rockwool cubes

Why do you leave the paper on your rockwool cubes does this do something I know nothing about.

The Grodan 40mm cubes I use have a plastic wrapper. The cubes are supplied bonded in sticks of 15 with a strip of paper which is glued to the plastic wrapper on each cube, so they can be broken off the stick of 15 one by one. I leave it on to reduce evaporation losses from the cube. The wrapper keeps the sides of the cubes wet- if it were not there, the roots would not form as readily on the side surfaces of the cube as it would be dryer.

And what color is serpentine never heard of it

serpentine describes the snake-like path of air through the trap, not the colour...

I have some flat white paint that I used on my closet doors is this good enough?

I believe I said to paint the interior of the trap with flat BLACK paint, didn't I? Black will tend to absorb the light as it bounces through the serpentine light trap. White paint will reflect light, helping conduct it through the serpentine path... and will defeat the purpose.

And last but not least how big do I make the light trap outer dimension and I can figure out the rest.

Depends on how big the fan or duct feeding it is.

He said take a large cooler cut holes on both ends and fill with frozen milk bottles with a fan and it will cool down the grow room but another guy pointed out that this would raise the humidity quite a bit so I trashed that idea.

Interesting idea, though pretty bodgy. I don't think you need to cut up a cooler to do this, though. You could simply direct a circ fan to blow air over a frozen plastic jug of water and you would get some cooling of the air. I disagree that this would raise humidity; it would actually lower humidity as water would condense out of the air passing over the cold plastic surface and drip off, like it does on the cold coil of an aircon unit. You'd forever be refreezing water jugs. Sounds like a pain.
Also someone told me not to have my ballast in my grow room because of the heat it lets out.

Good suggestion. This is the reason why you have a separate ballast as opposed to a light fixture which combines ballast & reflector.

I took the ballast out and I believe my temps are just right know probably between 75 and 80 degrees I think it droped the heat at least 10 degrees so I am very happy about that.

Glad that remoting your ballast outside the room helped.

If you don't have a peak-memory thermometer, get one. You need to knwo, not guess, the actual temperature in teh grow. Peak-mem storage means you can see the max high & low temps since the last memory reset. No guessing- you'll know what your temp range is.
High Al, Dugout here. Well one of my seedlings didn't make it but I have another started. The one that didn't make it sat there two days with out shelling the seed shell it was not pointing up toward light was pretty much at a 90 degree angle. I decided to remove shell and see what it does it is know pointing up. Anyway the one that made it is probably about 2" tall and looks really healthy. I removed all of the miracle gro and my new one I just put in rockwool cube as you suggested. Just put in last night so I will let you know what is going on in a couple of days. Since I don't have a very big room I was wondering if a bathroom exhaust with a wall mount on it would be enough. I think the ballast being removed has it at a acceptable temp but I will get a thermometer I had already thought of that just waiting for payday if you know what I mean. Anyway thanks for all the help I have learned a lot from you and I am sure I will be a pain in the ass again. (HA HA HA) Well my brother I will let you go and get back with you a little later and thanks again. Have a great week peace and out. The Ole Hippy DUGOUT
Hey Al, Whats up? Dugout here quick question. Have you ever heard about a guy named Rick Maughs, He has put together a nutrient for marijuana called Monster gro application for Med Marijuana. According to the article it is the greatest thing since Jesus Christ but a lot of them say that. So what do you know and think? Peace and out the Ole Hippy Dugout
I haven't heard of this stuff before.

Use extreme caution with grandiose claims about nutrients. Nutes are really a small part of the equation in growing plants. Yes, you do have to provide certain elements as nutes, but the vast majority of the plant's food is light and air- if I had to put a figure on it, I'd say 80% of a vigorous grow is caused by high intensity light and good CO@ availability.
Hey Al thanks if kind of figured that is what you would say. I have just found one of your threads that was a follow up to the 2 week grow or something like that I have read the first 3 pages only have over 112 to read. So instead of asking anymore questions for a while I am going to read and make notes. Will be back after done so I am not so redundant to you. Thanks for all the good info. Sounds like you get around were did you go in the south pacific? I love it there. been there compliments of the Navy. Which after 5 years they let me go because I smoke pot go figure. Did get an honorable tho. Anyway have a good one bro and will get back with you in a few days. Peace and out The Ole Hippy DUGOUT
Hey Al, I was under the impression that I leave my seedlings under flourecent for 24 hrs a day until transfered to unit is this right or am I screwing up again Thanks bro
I have read the first 3 pages only have over 112 to read. So instead of asking anymore questions for a while I am going to read and make notes.

There's a lot in there, tough your way through it if you can.

Will be back after done so I am not so redundant to you.


Thanks for all the good info.

no prob :)

Sounds like you get around were did you go in the south pacific?

Well, besides the fact that I live in Australia (which is kinda south Pacificky all by itself), I buggered off to Fiji for a couple of weeks back in May & early June.

I love it there. been there compliments of the Navy.

It's not bad. Sorry you had to use that particular travel agent, tho. ;)

Hey Al, I was under the impression that I leave my seedlings under flourecent for 24 hrs a day until transfered to unit is this right or am I screwing up again Thanks bro

Yep, they can be run under anything from 18h/day upward.
Hey Al thanks alot buddy never been to Fiji but my sister has and said it was really pretty maybe someday. Anyway gonna try not to bother you until I get done with that thread. I wish there was a way that I could get that 2 week thing would've really loved to read it Peace and out. The Ole Hippy DUGOUT