LED Party Cup Competition - Official Thread

As I already mentioned to endur0xX, i'd be more than happy to setup/run/moderate/judge the next competition, that way endur0 gets a chance at a prize. Just let me know what kind of criteria and rules you guys want to have, and I'll setup a registration thread.
I'm in for the next one, going to fine tune my LED box :P.

I want to say I was a bit flakey, no hurricane for my excuse.

You guys are awesome, Puff congrats. Amax I loved your buds man, they were hilarious but amazing. The haaaze!

The only contender left is TxChiles, a friendly mofo who could outgrow me anyday haha.

I learned a lot from you folks, particularly some new techniques when I am excited to try. Thanks everyone , you rock.

Congrats again puff.
if the community still wants another competition, I'll be starting a registration thread soon. Feel free to sign up and offer suggestions on rules, prizes, etc. I had so much fun in this one I'm looking forward to sharing that experience with others. Be on the lookout for the registration thread
I'll be creating a new thread in the next few days called The Second LED Grow-Off Registration threa or something similar. Just say in there that you want to register.