Recent content by akornpatch

  1. akornpatch

    GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)

    Good God man! Lay off the nutes! That's some crispy critter you got there. LOL I'd be water curing it too if that were mine.
  2. akornpatch

    Cut my first of the season (pics)

    The JK Purple looks friggin killer! How can you stand that shitty Cali weed you have to put up with? ;-)
  3. akornpatch

    Greenhouse question

    A sativa will need trained or trimmed back to keep her down to 5-6 feet. You may be better off with a hybrid...and a single plant in 4x4. Vents to keep the heat down.
  4. akornpatch

    When to harvest pics

    Hair (pistil) color only tells you when the calyx is no longer viable to be fertilized. It has nothing to do with the buzz...and there's plenty of resin production and swelling of the flower to come after the hairs turn. Don't short your production's quantity or quality by chopping too early.
  5. akornpatch

    Do I need to be nervous? Seed order came...

    If Customs seized your beans, they would have left you a note telling you they did. They don't have time to chase down seed buyers. I wouldn't worry too much...but I'd be pissed about the thief who ripped off my beans. Bastards.
  6. akornpatch

    My weed smells like old grass.

    basically the slower you get to "jar ready" the better. The bud stem should snap cleanly before you put it in jars. At any rate, the "grass" smell should go away after the chlorophyl breaks down.
  7. akornpatch

    Hey you monkeys!

    Most definitely! My place or yours?
  8. akornpatch

    Smoking Etiquette

    How about fish lips. duh.
  9. akornpatch

    My Strongest Experience

    I'd switch to Indicas if I were you.
  10. akornpatch

    My Strongest Experience

    Why yes they are actually.
  11. akornpatch

    "Bro, Did I Hear Her Right?"

    Now that's funny right there.
  12. akornpatch

    Soked Retarted

    did anyone follow that?
  13. akornpatch

    Hey you monkeys!

    Hey Rollitup! How they hangin? Cool site you got here. See you around! Peace, Akornbongsmilie
  14. akornpatch

    smell control

    Oh and the circulation fan will help the main stem grow stronger.
  15. akornpatch

    All newbies need to know this!!!

    That's the point! Don't smoke the cheap shit! Geez.