Recent content by angelhead

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    High & Lonesome Seeds

    Interview with H&L
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    CSI humboldt thread

    If people are interested, this is a good talk with CSI:
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    CSI humboldt thread

    I ran just two of these and they were both incredible OG representations. Mouth-coating dryer sheet cleaner vibes. Both loud and both tasty to smoke. And strong.
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    Lucky Dog Seed Co.

    Ah I could only find the Lucky Dog Seed thread. Is there one dedicated to the Fume? Much appreciated!
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    Lucky Dog Seed Co.

    How did these go? Smoked 'em yet? :cool:
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    CSI humboldt thread

    Well said. There are different kinds of variegation; this speckled kind is the one the D is known for.
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    CSI humboldt thread

    Oh baby look at that variegation! That cross is going to be some fire weed.
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    CSI humboldt thread

    I remember waving a branch under my partner's nose when I was taking the plant down. She winced visibly :lol: The really interesting thing about the "dark" smell is it doesn't translate at all how I would expect in the smoke - it's just fucking delicious! I'm curious to see how you find...
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    CSI humboldt thread

    Like yours, a strong resemblance visually/morphologically to the mother. When it was growing, it was very fumey/gassy with a "dark", dank smell up close that I found very hard to describe. It invoked quite a visceral response from me the first few times. "Death" smells. Like really old garbage...
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    CSI humboldt thread

    Oh man. You're making me want to run these again! My fave 91 S1 individual is the best flower I have right now, beating out my TK S1s.
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    CSI humboldt thread

    I found this too. It's a pretty narrow gene pool, which is fantastic if you are looking for individuals like the mother. Think Nspecta's said in interviews that he thinks the 91 is itself an S1, making these S2s, which would explain the consistency in these packs.
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    Lucky Dog Seed Co.

    In interviews, Skunk VA's mentioned that he prefers the 91 to the D. Just personal preference I guess! You could look into D S1s from CSI if you wanted.
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    CSI humboldt thread

    That's super exciting. I'm gonna run Notso LA/Headband x D next. I cannot wait.
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    Lucky Dog Seed Co.

    Very nice. They look so much like the 91. What kind of smells are ya getting?
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    CSI humboldt thread

    I'm running Sherbert x Chem D now. They are just getting into flower.