Recent content by Applefootball12

  1. Applefootball12

    Can anyone confirm if this is the dreaded powdery midew

    No mate my flowers are even too small for PM this year lol
  2. Applefootball12

    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    Way behind here
  3. Applefootball12

    Feeling after long day of trimming

    I prefer the green finger approach personally and I also get stoned as a mother trucker but smoking the whole day away as standard hehe
  4. Applefootball12

    First time grower needs advice...heres my 4 babies..i think im about 4 weeks mabey to harvest but not sure.HELP???

    What he’s saying is the chances that you acually leave them too long is very slim most people even experienced growers cut way too soon by a couple of weeks and you realize after all is said and done so to be safe you should push them as far as they will go there also degrading naturally at the...
  5. Applefootball12

    Can anyone confirm if this is the dreaded powdery midew

    Cheers mate I enjoy the whole plant training stuff I have a small back years with windows of naibours on all sides looking but I’ve had no issues now for a couple of years the worst part is they don’t even pre flower until late august and flower basically in the autum it’s not ideal for the...
  6. Applefootball12

    Hey guys new here what do you think

    Looking good mate keep up the good work
  7. Applefootball12

    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    North Holland mate it’s not looking good for me I know but I love the whole process it’s not a if it’s when the rot will start and let Mother Nature decide I say I do help a little here n there to try keep them strong but they just flower too late here it’s a shame really coz I came here for the...
  8. Applefootball12

    Is this a male pre flower?

    Oh Lordy Lordy you got the nanners
  9. Applefootball12

    Outdoor not complete darkness ?!

    Defiantly I wish I had overnight budlings lol but the rate of bud development is real sketchy one things for sure they don’t turn up over night hehe
  10. Applefootball12

    harvest time?

    And there was me thinking I I’d bein around a while haha
  11. Applefootball12

    Can anyone confirm if this is the dreaded powdery midew

    Cheers mate that was last years it’s all bein smoked now and eaten this this year no major issues as of yet only late flowering as usual in Holland
  12. Applefootball12

    harvest time?

    Ahh so your not that new then
  13. Applefootball12

    Hey guys new here what do you think

    Those whit hairs mate are the pollen catchers there trying to find pollen it’s totally normal this is the flower of the plant leafs white pistols and calaxys where the seed will form if it finds pollen you are hopeing that don’t happen tho and you are crossing your fingers she dosent stress and...
  14. Applefootball12

    Can anyone confirm if this is the dreaded powdery midew

    Lesson learned defoliate heavily in my opinion