Recent content by Bigdawwg

  1. Bigdawwg

    Seedling dramas ?!

    Thanks all for your awesome feedback! I'm using a cfl not mh. The leaves are turning up towards the light don't no if this is good or not? Will try some 1/4 strength nutea maybe?next wAter
  2. Bigdawwg

    Seedling dramas ?!

    Hey mate it's a pretty big cfl 48 watt by memory and yeah it's potting mix and perlite both 50/50 mix hope this helps
  3. Bigdawwg

    Seedling dramas ?!

    Hey all! i have been trying and trying and fucking trying to kickstart some girls, iv been through probably 10 seeds and most have just curled over and died from overwatering etc.. Ive been studying and trying my best to keep grow tent to optimal conditions for my seedlings but this is last...
  4. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    ahh id say probably 3 weeks they have actually started to pickup a bit last few days trying to get much fresh air running through as it is kinda confined in the wardrobe as you could see :(
  5. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    @WazzaX @Bomixius Cheers guys, yeah true well i might need to look into the heating aspect its only just come out of winter to spring now but still bit cool temps ranging from 17 c at night in the tent to 22c during the day,Yeah i might need bring fan little closer to plants to strengthen stems.
  6. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    got some more pics of the tent i tried to lower the lights to reduce the stretching hopefuly helps out a bit @WazzaX do you think i should keep my window next to the tent open a bit for fresh air to come into room? is there co2 lacking in this grow? i no there growing but reaaaall slow ha ill...
  7. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    @WazzaX Hey mate popped some new seeds got some new pics and transplanted the other couple into medium your recommended the seed raising one, and i think they doing oright would love to here your thoughts cheers bud
  8. Bigdawwg

    haha cheers man

    haha cheers man
  9. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    Awesome thanks man so do u still add extra ferts to your grow when u use that tomato grow soil cos I noticed it already has ferts inside
  10. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    Most definately nute burn. Do you have this at your stores: Nar don't think so man doesn't look familiar unfortunately is that wat u use? Your grow looks awesome btw
  11. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    Yeah cheers wazza i might have to give it a crack im really unsure of this potting soil im using for my seedlings.. ill go grab some tomorrow man thanks for heads up hows coir block work? rip some off put in a cup and water to expand?
  12. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    haha yeah thermometer on its last legs! ah not here mate sounds good as though.. they charge us 33cents per KWH its expensive so might need to hit up solar panels eventually baha
  13. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!
  14. Bigdawwg

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    iv read the potting soil packaging a little closer and says may contain traces of fertilizer and mineral additives fuckk lol maybe nute burn? lol
  15. Bigdawwg

    Hey man sorry i dont no how to tag your name in my new post haha but thanks for reply...

    Hey man sorry i dont no how to tag your name in my new post haha but thanks for reply! appreciate the help!