Thats what it seem like but some are clawing,
Medium is perlite and water going in is 6.0-6.2
Gh flora trio
Ro water 2 ml per gal of calmag
Running 60% of recommended feed for a total of 540ppm
Yup just like i showed in the photo..
Only way i would keep a filter in the tent these days is if i ran a aircooled hps again..
Just rigg your set up to suck air out of the tent with the fan pushing air out the filter.
Definitely get rid of the filter, try moving it out side the tent..
I stopped venting everything outside and just have my setup like this now, smell doesn’t get too bad unless i open up the tent during late flower
Damn bro that kinda sucks..
I know you said your out of overhead but maybe you can manipulate the light placement maybe even angle at which they hang it can help drop some of those numbers..
i looked up the light and no it isn’t dimmable ( im sure you know already )
Good luck man, that strain...
You kind of do need to be conserned if you dont want everything seeded..
Those oldschool lights sometimes have a dimmer that is adjustable with a screwdriver, look in to it.
What medium is in the solo cups?
Plants usually show sex once sexually mature so theres no need to flip them to reveal sex.
If you get a male or two you cull it and fill out the space with what you have left.
Very nice mate, i wish i was any good at runing soil. I run hempys exclusivly so i cant tie my plants down as i have to pull them out almost daily.
Its a lot of work and my yield suffers, just that i cant keep a plant happy in soil and kind of have things down in hempys..
Just germed a 10 pack...
Small headsup guys and galls..
Carefull when pulling out your racks, you might have a nug fall on the ground.
When you go back to closing the fridge you thinks its shut but it aint.. perameters fall well off of curing specs..
Luckily there wasnt much in the fridge that wasnt jarred already..
Simple trick to avoid the tent from crashin in is to put a cloth hanger behind the vertical poles plastic one might break though.. and make sure the edges wont puncture youre tent
I too have been wanting to grow ww lately but have limited area. If i was to do so id get a pack of the black widow, they are rather pricey and somewhat difficult to get a hold of if in the states though..
Joey weed on the hemp depot offers f2s of late 90s ww from ghs stock for a very...