Recent content by BudMotherWannabe

  1. BudMotherWannabe

    Is it harvesting time?

    Thats why I smoke when I don't have ANYTHING else to do O_O
  2. BudMotherWannabe

    Is it harvesting time?

  3. BudMotherWannabe

    Is it harvesting time?

    Haha well, I pretty much smoke alone, so I actually prefer the psych trips...(the kind thats so strong you end up sitting there and exploring within your own head...)
  4. BudMotherWannabe

    Is it harvesting time?

    LoL I've been there man.... haha O_O
  5. BudMotherWannabe

    Is it harvesting time?

    Awesome! Thats extremely helpful, thanks!! :joint::mrgreen:
  6. BudMotherWannabe

    Is it harvesting time?

    AH yeah, I was thinking they were the thick part with the hairs, i know what you mean now, I got my information mixed up somehow :? Thanks
  7. BudMotherWannabe

    Is it harvesting time?

    Kinda amber/brownish hairs... the leaves that are growin is green, the second pic shows them best
  8. BudMotherWannabe

    Is it harvesting time?

    So, yeah this is my first plant ever, so I have no idea if it's harvesting time yet. It SEEMS to be still growing leaves out of the tricombs but other than that, it seems to be kinda....well the hairs on the tribombs are turning brownish and the leaves are kinda droopy...I've been taking care of...
  9. BudMotherWannabe


    Ah I see. hahah. Thanks :)
  10. BudMotherWannabe


    As a newbie grower, I was just wonderin...what is the point of curing? For some reason I thought I was just supposed to trim the plant, hang it in a dark area and wait a while. Now Im reading about curing being part of the process. Why? What does it do? Please lettme know soon...
  11. BudMotherWannabe

    Peyote seedlings!

    Hey where can I find some peyote seedlings?
  12. BudMotherWannabe

    Two questions...twice high? Epsom salt?

    TWO Questions (yes I just done smokin' actually JUST burped out some smoke lmao but if I dont make sense ............ yeah....but I expect to make sense with those that......yeahhhhhhhhh...........) Ok. If I smoke a joint or bowel or whatnot then wait a little while JUST before I start to come...
  13. BudMotherWannabe


    Thank you!! I will try both the sticky tape and the tobacco juice. I THINK its the tiny white flys at the end, but doing the tobacco juice just to be sure as well.
  14. BudMotherWannabe


    How did she die? What happened? Did she die from the cuts? :(
  15. BudMotherWannabe


    Someone please help. This plant is important to me. It's my very first and ONLY grow.....