Recent content by BullPower

  1. BullPower

    Prune right before flower.

    Good evening fellow agriculturists! Have grown hundreds of plants in the past. Best yield outdoor was 18 pounds off 4 plants here in Appalachia. However. Haven't grown a thing since 2014. Got a Chemdog Cookie gal in plain view of the road in a raised vegetable garden. It's started getting too...
  2. BullPower

    Proven Autos

    Simply asked for your opinion. Looking to order a handful. Wasn't sure what to go with. Haven't ran any AUTO since 2006 or 2007.
  3. BullPower

    Proven Autos

    What's been your results with the 4 dollar beans?
  4. BullPower

    Is It Too Early To Move These Outdoors? Zone 8 Calif

    I use milk jugs with bottoms removed. Started mine around the first of April. TN. Do you take the covering off on nice days?
  5. BullPower

    To clear things up, Guerilla Style

    If you'll observe "weeds," you'll notice they don't require watering. Most any plant that grows directly in the ground can get by without watering. It's just a matter of quality/quantity. Biggest problem with moisture for gardening in general, is the bare soil surrounding the plant. Bare soil...
  6. BullPower

    To clear things up, Guerilla Style

    I haven't gotten enough light when plants are in a "forested" area. If the ground isn't covered in vegetation, I don't think you'll have enough light. In the edge of some woods that are south facing, you'd get by. I think I know the documentary you're referencing. That ground was what I call...
  7. BullPower

    Grow Tent in Garage in southern state?

    I'm looking to put a room together. The costs of building materials right now are fuckin insane. I can definitely see how ya hit the 5k mark. I've ran into a 30x40 space that's perfect. Thinking about using 25% of the space. I'm going to try my best to repurchase some materials. Sawmill...
  8. BullPower

    Whatcha think?

    If there is systemic mold in a plant. Will it be there forever? Would a reveg be a wasted effort?
  9. BullPower

    Whatcha think?

    After looking this morning. I've found work damage and killed a few worms. Saw a couple in a nearby spider web. Hoping that's my problem. Didnt see any gray mold. Thankfully. Could have not seen it though. Planning to pull Friday if the damage gets any worse today. It has all but stopped...
  10. BullPower

    Whatcha think?

    If it does have a systemic problem, would that mean it's a wasted effort to reveg this girl?
  11. BullPower

    Whatcha think?

    Got a guy coming tomorrow to do work in the house. As soon as he's gone I'm gonna pull it down. Hopefully it can wait 36 hours and not be complete ruin. Getting real tired of having to half ass stuff because it's illegal. It's fucking ridiculous. An hour drive and it's legal. Tis silly. I'm...
  12. BullPower

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    If and when it goes here, that's my plan. It'll be the only way to stand out.
  13. BullPower

    How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

    Get a couple and cut them open. It hurt my feelings. Lol
  14. BullPower

    Whatcha think?

    Been a few years since I've pulled any down. Would love a second opinion. It's rained the last 4 days. Found a spot of mold inside one of the tops. Removed it. Giving a week of sunny weather with highs around 70, low around 50. More rain today though. I know she's close. Would you pull her...
  15. BullPower

    I have fully developed seeds is my plant ready to harvest?

    If pollinated early on in flower, the seeds will become mature well before the flowers are finished.