Recent content by Burn & Crash

  1. Burn & Crash

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Biden isn't perfect, but Trump could not keep his story straight. Incompetent, senile, or just lying? You decide!
  2. Burn & Crash

    Cannabis Oil/THC oil as an alternative to smoking, any experiences?

    I have used this method for 40 years. I had eaten others people's Alice B Toklas's edibles and wasn't impressed. I had no clue why mine were more potent than most. I found out a few years back. I would clean an Oz of good herb and brown in butter in a skillet. Dump the Oz into a single batch of...
  3. Burn & Crash

    Cannabis Oil/THC oil as an alternative to smoking, any experiences?

    Google Marijuana Firecracker recipes. All you need is crackers, Peanut Butter, and carboxylated herb. My favorite way of decarboxylating is with a PAX3 or a Storz and Bickel Digi Volcano.
  4. Burn & Crash


    This is an interesting aspect I was not aware of in respect to the Russia/Ukraine issue.
  5. Burn & Crash


    I hesitated to post this with my previous answer, knowing Wiki's are not always accurate, but this was the story I heard and my understanding of how Deming ended up in Japan. "In 1947, Deming was involved in early planning for the 1951 Japanese Census. The Allied powers were occupying Japan...
  6. Burn & Crash


    I don't know, as I said it was my opinion but a quick bit of research does not seem to completely support either of our contentions. You might tell me after reviewing the data what your opinion is. I am not sure either of us is in any position to know based even on historic data...
  7. Burn & Crash


    I believe as do many others, that Hitler’s rise was due to the mishandling of the terms that ended WWl. Putin’s rise or that of a Putinesque figure seems, in retrospect, like a variant of the same disease. Just my opinion for, what it’s worth, but these are my thoughts. We should have had a...
  8. Burn & Crash

    First time making dry ice hash

    Thanks that definitely gives me an easy solution! Happy trails!
  9. Burn & Crash

    First time making dry ice hash

    Thanks, I used 5-gallon pails for my regular cold water extraction. You make it sound easy enough!
  10. Burn & Crash

    First time making dry ice hash

    What did you do it over or in to contain the mess? It looked like pouring flour into a bowl. In the video, I saw, it looked like it would be an easy way to make a lot of hash dust and more of a mess. Really appreciate the pictures. Did you stir it or shake it?
  11. Burn & Crash

    First time making dry ice hash

    Meijer or Kroger said they had it.
  12. Burn & Crash

    What Are You Listening To?

    Try this! Old Friend and professional pot smoker, amateur musician! He is always good times. Still lives in an Illegal state. Pot Smokin' Thinker
  13. Burn & Crash

    Who is leading the fight against House Bill 5301? - The Michigan Caregivers Association?

    If you are on FakeBook this is a good site for current information. Michigan NORML
  14. Burn & Crash

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    You need to smoke a better quality of herb. You have it ass-backward. Remember don't use Paraquat on your dope and don't take Ivermectin to cure Covid-19. Paraquat and marijuana: epidemiologic risk assessment.
  15. Burn & Crash

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    Even though the people passed a referendum on Legalizing Marijuana the Republican Governor got it overturned in the State Supreme Court! South Dakota Vs its Voting Public. Democracy? Absolutely crazy. This is why you don't want for-profit prison systems. SD locks up more people than any state...