Recent content by C Dizzle172

  1. C Dizzle172

    unidentified 5 gallon bucket on nutes, any ideas?

    Hey guys, i found a 5 gallon bucket of a brown smelly nutrient it has no label on it but i know it is nutrients because i found it along with other nutrients and there was a small portion of the label left behind. Like i said it was a brown smelly nute, dont think its fish emulsion as the odor...
  2. C Dizzle172

    ice water/blender hash question

    Thats the good thing about it, and the end of the day no matter your preference and style we can still pass one around together
  3. C Dizzle172

    ice water/blender hash question

    Same here only time id ball it up was if someone requested their product that way, but most are usually happy after toke #1 just the way it is
  4. C Dizzle172

    making hash questions

    Interesting, and i wouldnt say im a beginnier, just simplistic and cheap in approach
  5. C Dizzle172

    ice water/blender hash question

    Would the bags be worth it for smaller batches? Or can i get smaller bags i usually only do .5-1oz
  6. C Dizzle172

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    Put product in the freezer until it is lil crunchy, gently break it down to not upset the trichs, that goes in first, then ice i usually use 6 cubes per half oz, add enough water to get a nice freez-e type consistency, pour chopped flowers in metal coffe strainer ovee a container to catch the...
  7. C Dizzle172

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    Hi i use the ice water/blender method to make my hash, but the step of pouring the water through the coffee filter to catch the hash is pretty tedious as once some hash collects it clogs the drainage of the filter, any tips on making that go faster or on improving the method?
  8. C Dizzle172

    ice water/blender hash question

    Sorry if this is wrong section, but i was wondering what surface is best for breaking up wet hash to dry on. Additionally, i currently use the coffee filter method after running it through a very fine screen but it takes so long to filter through the coffee filter once the hash has started...
  9. C Dizzle172

    making hash questions

    Hi guys, used RIU for years but finally getting into using it as a member, i was just wondering which section is preferred for hash questions, thanks!