Recent content by Cam Roll

  1. Cam Roll

    Bring the backlash here. Growing in cow manure ONLY!

    Great thread going on here lads!
  2. Cam Roll

    First Time Grow under CFL Light

    Looks like a sativa ^
  3. Cam Roll

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    These grows are bad fucking ass. What a season.
  4. Cam Roll

    Grape Punch w/ cfls, T5s, in Fox Farm soil

    What a cool grow. Looked like a real nice smoke
  5. Cam Roll

    New to growing....pointers?

    Definitely let the lights closer Yes. Definitely get the lights closer to the foliage. And if those are three 23w CFLs then yes again, you will need more light.
  6. Cam Roll

    New to growing....pointers?

    Its looking god man! Do you know how many watts those three lights are combined? Do you know the temperatures? So far they appear healthy! What kind of soil?
  7. Cam Roll

    What did you yield last with just CFL

    That 36 Solo cup grow is gnarly haha hell yeah
  8. Cam Roll

    Im using 400 watts CFL... would 400 watts of hps be much hotter?

    I am running 9 CFLs in a small space and my grow is going well, but I know how much HPS increases yield, and obviously that's great. My temps run a little high sometimes, and my girls just started flowering so I am mostly concerned about temps.
  9. Cam Roll

    Im using 400 watts CFL... would 400 watts of hps be much hotter?

    Is a 400w or 600w HPS compatible with your standard light bulb fixture?
  10. Cam Roll

    new grower I'm here to learn all I can! here's my plants!

    Looks good to me so far bud. How many lights?
  11. Cam Roll

    Purple Cheese Auto

    Looks really nice dude good work
  12. Cam Roll

    How many cfls would I need to flower this plant?

    How does this look?
  13. Cam Roll

    First time grow

    It will definitely love the FFOF. That is what a lot of people use including myself. I have recently been struggling with stunted growth in my CFL grow box; I too had high temperatures. 95 degrees is too hot. You have to get that temperature down. May I suggest another intake fan to start and an...
  14. Cam Roll

    First CFL Grow... EVER - Tips & Suggestions?

    Good luck. Sounds like you will have a good grow with your supplies currently.
  15. Cam Roll

    what do you think?

    I looks really healthy. How many lights are you using? Keep up the good work