Recent content by Chaoticfist

  1. C

    please consider removing your bm post.

    please consider removing your bm post.
  2. C

    The reason should be obvious. Best to remove it rather than draw un need attention to an...

    The reason should be obvious. Best to remove it rather than draw un need attention to an amazing service.
  3. C

    I know it sounds, odd.

    I know it sounds, odd.
  4. C

    Is it possible to request you guys to delete a comment. Just something that perhaps should not...

    Is it possible to request you guys to delete a comment. Just something that perhaps should not be on your site, or at least it would be highly appreciative if it was deleted.
  5. C

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Sorry if this is an odd place to put this. Is there any mods i can talk to? There does not seem to be a personal message feature i would like to keep this convo somewhat private.