Recent content by Chris T

  1. C

    What’s happening here

    thanks alot
  2. C

    What’s happening here

    should i harvest the rest before it spreads or cut off whats infected any help
  3. C

    What’s happening here

    Here’s a better picture
  4. C

    What’s happening here

    Here is a better picture
  5. C

    What’s happening here

    Hi guys can someone tell me what’s happening here please Sorry for the crappy pic
  6. C

    What’s happening here

    Hi guys can someone tell me what’s happening here please Sorry for the crappy pic
  7. C

    When can I chop her

    How many week more or less
  8. C

    When can I chop her

    @go go kid @Bsmoke78 Best I can do guys there is more brown hairs than white
  9. C

    When can I chop her

    to be honest im not 100% sure ill take a pic when i get home tonight
  10. C

    When can I chop her

    Good day When do you think should I chop her The 11th of April will be week 10 thanks Guys
  11. C

    Some help please

    Yes there is holes for drainage
  12. C

    Some help please

    I'm not sutre if its indica or sativa because on a previous post someone said sativa but idk
  13. C

    Some help please

    ill get some pics when i get home thanks for the reply