Recent content by Coco_kushman

  1. Coco_kushman

    Best way to harvest and cure

    Will sure do
  2. Coco_kushman

    Best way to harvest and cure

    Exactly man. I thought, and I thought wrong
  3. Coco_kushman

    Best way to harvest and cure

    Okay man. I will give it time. See y’all in 2months haha!
  4. Coco_kushman

    Best way to harvest and cure

    Well, 2 more months is not so long, I was starting to think she was ready, when Iy started having yellow leaves under close to the root, doesn’t that mean it’s getting too old
  5. Coco_kushman

    Best way to harvest and cure

    Wow! Could you say if it’s male or female because I don’t see no buds and it’s having yellow leaves under really close to the root
  6. Coco_kushman

    Best way to harvest and cure

    Hey guys, So I decided to ask the pros. My kush plant here is about 8weeks old and I think it’s ready for harvest. Please drop your ideas on the best way to harveyand cure my weed and besides does it look ready for harvest. Thanks in advance y’all ✌
  7. Coco_kushman

    Green fresh and tasty weed

    Y’all saying my plants’ gonna die in a few days. I bet if I get a bigger pot some more soil, take it outside and read up some good homemade ferts... it’s gonna grow more than you ever think. LOL
  8. Coco_kushman

    Green fresh and tasty weed

    Lol guy I know people like you, you can’t just come on my thread saying shit. If you can’t contribute positively. Dude geddifok
  9. Coco_kushman

    Legend of nigeria.

    Oh I see, I was looking for an article to grow in Nigeria
  10. Coco_kushman

    Legend of nigeria.

    Quick question, this was grown in Nigeria?
  11. Coco_kushman

    How much water when there’s no fertilizer

    Yes please 2-3 ounces is good for starters and it’s going to go till the next grow season. So, you’re saying I drill in holes on the side and one under too, get more sunlight and can use pee as ferts? And that will keep my plant growing and healthy? Or what other home Mande fertilizers could you...
  12. Coco_kushman

    How much water when there’s no fertilizer

    This is supposed to be a test run and I came on here to make my first grow a great one! and at least my weed plant is still growing in the soil you call crap. I see your more enlightened about growing, you probably have a whole garden full of weed. Lol. why don’t you enlighten me on how to save...
  13. Coco_kushman

    Green fresh and tasty weed

    How do I save my plant