Recent content by Common_Courtesy

  1. Common_Courtesy

    Any NHL fans in here?

    Pacioretty out for 12 weeks! thats gunna hurt the Canadiens. Won't be on the ice Close to October.
  2. Common_Courtesy

    Any NHL fans in here?

    Can't you get NHL Gamecenter and choose which broadcast to watch? It's how I watch the Canucks Broadcast while living in Calgary!
  3. Common_Courtesy

    Any NHL fans in here?

    ... Didn't see any comments on it before, but does anyone have any clue What Jim Benning is doing with the Canucks?? Seems like a whole tear down. They even fired 2 assistant GM's and another front end person today!
  4. Common_Courtesy

    'Nucks fan for Life

    'Nucks fan for Life
  5. Common_Courtesy

    Any NHL fans in here?

    That one was weak... but Lightning never gave up. Which is nice to see, didn't think they had much of a chance especially at the MAD HOUSE
  6. Common_Courtesy

    Anyone Else going to EDC Las Vegas?!

    I know I am new here, But if anyone else is going would love to see if we could meet up! Only 11 more days :clap::shock::bigjoint:
  7. Common_Courtesy

    Any NHL fans in here?

    That kid is good though. I Hope he proves how good he cam be! :) :) Lets Go Bolts!
  8. Common_Courtesy

    Any NHL fans in here?

    Alright, what are the projections for tonight? I call it takes Bishop half a period till he poops himself... But Lightning still takes game 3. Puts them back in the drivers seat for home ice.
  9. Common_Courtesy

    Any NHL fans in here?

    I really wished it was the Ducks Vs. Tampa. as a Canucks fan, I can't stand the Blackhawks. But should be a great series either way! Lets Go Bolts!!
  10. Common_Courtesy

    just got bombarded with ads, dafuq?

    @Yessica... thats a terrible AD no more name.