Recent content by CptStoner

  1. C

    Growing issue

    Do you think they would be fine if I put them under a couple floresent's for a 12/12 cycle the 2 day's they will be here working?
  2. C

    Growing issue

    I have a growing issue I have 2 beautiful ladies growing out back that are starting to fill out nicely and prolly have about 3-4 more weeks befor perfectly ripe but i have been informed today that I have ppl comming Monday to install new ev's trough's on the house so I fear i might have to do an...
  3. C


    Thanks a bunch for the quick reply's I will be sure to keep posting to let ya's know how these beauty's turn out thanks again for all your help guy's.
  4. C


    Should I maybe cut the rest of that stock of that is above the veg. as there is about 2 inches of just bar stock from where it broke off or should i just leave it?
  5. C


    thats what I was hoping/think but wasn't sure because of how much broke off and the way it broke off
  6. C


    I have a major problem,I have 3 beautiful plants growing in my yard and we had a bad storm yesterday and the storm has broken the top clean off my tallest plant she was looking beautiful and already about 4ft tall now my concern is will she still grow or is this the end for this plant? I have...
  7. C

    Male of Female?

    High, I have 3 plants that I have been growing from seed and never really had a problem sexing plants befor plus i normaly don't grow from seed.But these ones here are doing very well but i am haveing a hard time telling if they are male or female i have included some pic's i hope someone can...
  8. C

    Bud's (Pictures)

    Just seems very small buds On the one plant and don't seem to be growing any bigger
  9. C

    Bud's (Pictures)

    Here are some pics Of my plant's In budding stage they are 4 weeks in One is Looking good but a little short and the other one is branchy and very small bud's and the crown bud seems to have split into 4-5 small buds any suggestions on what to do or should I just let nature take it's coarse and...
  10. C

    I think Its A Male please help (PIC's)

    Hey My plants Are Just going into thier first week Of 12/12 And I think this One is A Male but im Not Sure Could Someone Please Help me.
  11. C

    Might Have Heat Issue Not Sure

    Well I was thinking Of Putting them in the 16/8 light cycle For A week or two and then going down to the 12/12 what do you think is A good time to start the 12/12 cycle? and i have Gotten the tempt down to between 78-79 when the Light is On it drops A little lower when the light is off But thats...
  12. C

    Might Have Heat Issue Not Sure

    Ya Sorry thats what I meant 18/6 but crap last Night i did do A 16/8 should i switch back to the 18/6 or continue with the 16/8 now? WOW i feel like a tool.And yes I am aware that 12/12 will start flower and I need to start flower soon as i don't have alot of Room
  13. C

    Might Have Heat Issue Not Sure

    I have Managed to get it down to 79 degrees.As for Light they have been On a 24/24 cycle since seed and I wanna start flower soon as was told I should drop down to A 16/8 cycle for A week or 2 befor I switch to 12/12
  14. C

    Might Have Heat Issue Not Sure

    I wanna Start An 16/8 light cycle But Not sure if I should Be waiting A few day's Can anyone please Help me with this?
  15. C

    Might Have Heat Issue Not Sure

    Any Suggestions On How to Lower the Temp? As you can see in the Pic's when i Leave the door open it drops down to 83 But leaveing the Door open all the time is not an Option