Recent content by craigybganjamad

  1. craigybganjamad

    hi mate, ive got laptop now so will be on here regular, too be honst mate im in 2 minds weather...

    hi mate, ive got laptop now so will be on here regular, too be honst mate im in 2 minds weather to upload again , i got dislike soon as i put vids up, csnt be doing with it, mite start adding pics and starting a thread on here. hows things anyways, ?? il pm u on the tube soon, peace
  2. craigybganjamad

    Big Bomb from bomb seeds , first grow , pics.

    hi mate dont no if its to late into flower or u mite have harvested but next time instaed of worrying bout bottom part getting light ,lollipop the plant save 1 to 2 weeks before u switch to 12 12 ,take all the lower growth off as it will make the plant put all its energy in giving u fat colas...
  3. craigybganjamad

    how many plants under a 400 WATT HPS

    i see that urv got all those plants in there now in only a space of 4x4, they look small and in early flowering stage ,am i right? if so ul have trouble when they get few more weeks in to flower as they bush out like mad and all the bottoms branches will not get much light so best to lollipop em...