Recent content by Cwalll

  1. C


    Nothing flying around at all, I will post pics of the damage tomorrow, thinking it mites or thirps as I also have outdoor going on and I tend to indoor/outdoor right after another
  2. C


    I know I’ve got bugs I have damage and can see it, but my problem is I’m 3 weeks into flower and they just showed up, I have multiple plants in veg affected as well, which I was gonna use neem oil and dish soap for, but as far as my plants in flower with small buds less than a half an inch, what...
  3. C

    Sex my plant..

    I think this one is a female.. can anyone help?
  4. C

    Help!!!! Is this a female or a hermath??

    It’s gone! thanks everyone!! Now I know how to tell a male apart thankfully this is my very first grow
  5. C

    Help!!!! Is this a female or a hermath??

    Im so confused and I have 5 other plants in with this one... I thought it was a female at first but now I’m second guessing my judgement. I’ve searched thousands of pics and just can’t figure it out
  6. C

    Want to make sure I’m doing this thing right

    Ya the cups of water and wet paper towel was a failed attempt in raising it at all. I also have a humidifier going to try to get humidity up. Just misted my walls and it went up 10% in seconds
  7. C

    Want to make sure I’m doing this thing right

    Honestly didn’t decide what I should go to next was thinking ocean forest. But was also considering mixing OF and HF together
  8. C

    Want to make sure I’m doing this thing right

    A buddy of mine suggested I should start using calmag in about 2 weeks. Should I use calmag or should I start with FF big bloom. I have the FFtrio but didn’t plan to give nutes until veg. Also attached a pic of the growth since I made this post.
  9. C

    Want to make sure I’m doing this thing right

    As far as light distance goes. I started with the light low to the plant 12-16 inches and today is day 11 of being a seedling, so I raised it to the recommended height from the manufacturer which is 30” or so mainly because one tip of the leaf is discoloring.
  10. C

    Want to make sure I’m doing this thing right

    First and foremost, my grow room is divided in two sections, Mylar film is put up, ventilation is ipower 4” 190cfm with carbon filter led 1000w light rated for 3.5x3.5feet on side that is 6ftx6ft(other side not completed but is 2ftx6ft) good setup for a first timer? What could I add to the big...
  11. C

    Trying to get my grow room setup

    Luckily I have exhaust ducts already ran due to previous uses.. I’m trying to keep it under 1500 if possible. Not looking for a top notch setup for my first time as who knows if I’ll be successful
  12. C

    Trying to get my grow room setup

    This is my room
  13. C

    Trying to get my grow room setup

    Would make more sense I literally have been reading up on it and didn’t even put that into consideration.
  14. C

    Trying to get my grow room setup

    I have a 6x8 room I wanna use for growing, I plan to make 6x6 of it for my seedling/vegetation stage with a 1000w light. While the other 2x6 space is used for my flowering stage with a 600w light. How do I set up proper air flow with an exhaust fan and where do I get my new air from? There...