Recent content by DB&ST

  1. DB&ST

    Weird weed

    its from a dudes home grow (hydro), and i don't know him so i cant really ask him. kinda complicated. and around where im from, if you get the chance to buy an ounce then you just go for it.
  2. DB&ST

    Weird weed

    so i bought like 30 gr of some really good smelling sensimilla, the high is crazy! in a good way of course, but it taste like shit, it really tastes bad, im scared of the next toke so the taste won't kill me, but it still really good. annoying! :cuss: anyone else had an issue like this?
  3. DB&ST

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    damn... here it costs about 600$ for an ounce, and you get unknown buds. you know nothing about them until you buy them and try them.. \:
  4. DB&ST

    all flower no bud

    give it time, the buds will swell, looking more "bud" like.
  5. DB&ST

    2 Bagseeds at the porch (First grow)

    plastic zip lock bags are any good?
  6. DB&ST

    best way to kill a large tree without cutting it down?

    killing trees is just pure evil.
  7. DB&ST

    2 Bagseeds at the porch (First grow)

    Any way to cure without the jars?
  8. DB&ST

    Deciding To Get more fit. my goal 36400 push ups..

    it will be hard for you doing the same exercise everyday, your muscles won't have time to build up. change the schedule a bit so you get day's off, it will make it easier for you and you will improve better.
  9. DB&ST

    2 Bagseeds at the porch (First grow)

    Thanks man! im also thrilled about the outcome. I think it's going to be a bit purple because the bottom of the leafs are purple..
  10. DB&ST

    2 Bagseeds at the porch (First grow)

    drying for a week i guess, or how long it will take. only drying it and not going to cure it most likely.. ill upload some pics with the buds dried up, i think they are going to turn out a little purple /: Thanks for all the support! Hopefully ill be baked from my own stash in a week or so!
  11. DB&ST

    2 Bagseeds at the porch (First grow)

    the reg soil, not the coco one. i fed her water whenever she felt dry, it was once every 4-7 days. started giving nutes only after 3-4 weeks from sprout. gave 3-4 milliliters (half dose) per liter the first few feeds, and later on full dose which is 5-6 milliliters. when started flowering...
  12. DB&ST

    2 Bagseeds at the porch (First grow)

    A bit sad that it's done too early, but im still happy that i made it the first try. Now ill have to wait for it to dry to see what i got :weed:
  13. DB&ST

    2 Bagseeds at the porch (First grow)

    She started to attract too many mites, and it's too late into flowering to spray her or anything, so i chopped her! I know it's a bit early, she's still not completely done but there are other variables to take into consideration.. I took some pics, but ill upload them later on.
  14. DB&ST

    First Full Auto Grow! (All New Equipment)

    For someone with a small budget sounds like your doing ok (: I just don't get why grow auto's with a 1000W HPS.. You could yield more by growing like 4 plants in bigger pot's with more veg time..
  15. DB&ST

    2 Bagseeds at the porch (First grow)

    it's 6 and a half weeks now, im thinking of cutting it in two more weeks..