Recent content by djumbir

  1. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    If you really can't relate it to what's happening in Ukraine now, even in theory, then I'm not gonna waste any more words explaining it to you. Edit: if you are willing to learn, I'll be happy to teach you :)
  2. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    No I'm not. I couldn't care lass about the guy. I am though very much willing to continue trolling about it for as long as you guys so passionately advocate complete and quite fascist boycotting of all Russian, especially sports and literature. Where do you all draw the hate from? Rocky films...
  3. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    No. By funding it, they organized the whole thing.
  4. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Ukraine is a highly divided country and has been a buffer zone quasi independent country since its beginning. Either a Russian puppet state (prior to orange revolution, which was very much supported and helped by west, don't wanna say orchestrated) and like Belarus now, or a liberal "democracy"...
  5. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    I'm talking about equal illegitimacy here, nothing more. I'm not supporting Vlad whatsoever
  6. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    By all definitions, yes. Btw the major US reason for the invasion, weapons of mass destruction (lol) makes it as illegitimate as Russians invasion on Ukraine. Even worse, as they found none, while there are plenty of AZOV scum roaming around in Ukraine. But I don't expect you, indoctrinated...
  7. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Thanks man, really sober reply, I appreciate it (:
  8. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Well then you didn't read shit
  9. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    I've already explained the geopolitical background of this conflict and why the US is happy with it. All else is me reacting to mostly "fuck this fuck that" comments lacking any analytical approach and self criticism
  10. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Did I ever say, in any of my posts that Putin's actions are humane, or that I support him in any way? Please, tell me
  11. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    How are my feelings hurt, I was saying how pointless the argument that "US help the ones it attacked before" lol And why do you all assume I cheer for Putin in this war? I might the the least biased person on this thread
  12. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    US humane, democracy bringing interventions usually suspiciously connected to oil or other riches. But that's all normal. That's power. All you need is to acknowledge that, and stop living a lie in which your government intervenes to actually help others. Never happened. With any superpower. I...
  13. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    That's another one. Kick me on the ground and then offer me your hand. Don't appreciate it
  14. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    People in Iran don't support their government, they all long for the times before the revolution. Nothing to do with women. And your shittipedia article is wrong. Iran has the highest percentage of female graduates in the region
  15. D

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Iraq and Afghanistan are doing alright? On which planet? Not here on Earth. Vietnam's soil completely devastated by agent orange for generations to come. It used to by such a good cup of coffee. Not anymore. Chew on this: Depleted uranium bombs in Kosovo and cluster bombs in both Kosovo and...