Recent content by Dr.fillDAblunt420

  1. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    Deficiency/Toxicity/Lockout? I can't figure it out.

    Yes my suspicion has always been in the lights. I have a PAR meter so i know the light intensity is not too much. I have actually raised one of them today and turned some to 50% power to see if that helps with anything. I did have SAP analysis done that showed my plants are low in Zinc...
  2. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    Deficiency/Toxicity/Lockout? I can't figure it out.

    I haven't fed them anything. They are in organic living soil that has plenty food to last at least 5-6 weeks. Roots are beautiful.
  3. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    Deficiency/Toxicity/Lockout? I can't figure it out.

    Hey everyone. I have been dealing with some plant issues recently and I just can't seem to figure out what's going on. The most recent SAP analysis showed I was low in Fe, Mn, Zn. My vegetative room has (50) Jungle T5 48" lights. I use organic living soil with a coco base. CO2- 600ppm 400-500...
  4. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    CO2 Generator vs MicroBulk Tank

    Sweet thanks for the info. The gross by me TriMed is using MicroBulk Tank as well. It just makes me wonder why they aren't using generators I feel like I'm missing something. Everything in a cost perspective says to use a generator but when I see the grows down the street from mine using tanks...
  5. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    CO2 Generator vs MicroBulk Tank

    I shouldn't have to vent much for the heat. I have enough AC to cover the heat.
  6. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    CO2 Generator vs MicroBulk Tank

    Well I am located in Michigan. how certain are you of this that it can cause you to fail testing?
  7. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    CO2 Generator vs MicroBulk Tank

    I am debating whether to use a NG Generator vs a MicroBulk Tank. I have a commercial facility and I want to make sure I have a clean quality end product. My facility has a 2000sqft bloom room and a 750sqft veg room. Is one or the other cleaner for the end product result? Ex: does a generator...
  8. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    Any updates on MMJ and Guns

    Ya i would think this would only considered on a Federal level.. if i were you i would not have guns in your house if growing. If the Feds do come the charges will be 25 mandatory years for each gun after the first one. Here is an example...
  9. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Can anyone suggest a watering cycle when using Growstone in the ebb monster. I'm used to hydroton and just want to see what is giving everyone the best results. I am currently doing 4 fills in 18 hours.
  10. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    New club house open at GC3.

    yes indeed!
  11. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    1lb Medical Strain = $?

    The Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals opinion that sale of marijuana is not "medical use". If you read the opinion released by the Supreme Court it is #1 says "The Court of Appeals erred by concluding that a sale of marijuana was not a "medical use", and that portion of its judgment...
  12. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    What is the name of the hydroton and where is it available at?
  13. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    I just found out that hydroton is no longer being made. Any suggestions on an alternative medium I should use? I was thinking coco but I also saw some stuff that is recycled glass which is a little more expensive. Anyone try the recycled glass and get good results?
  14. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    Yo what up son

    Yo what up son
  15. Dr.fillDAblunt420

    Root riot plugs

    no presoak is needed. just get some rooting gel take a spoon and scoop some out (so you are not contaminating your container.) you can widen the hole if you want but i dont find it necessary. dip each cutting into the gel and make sure they have a good amount on them, but not too much. if you...