Recent content by Drakkaen

  1. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    Only one plant left... But it seems to be doing exceptionally well. The one I started LST and FIM on (originally my smallest plant) died finally, but its pot-mate seemed happy about the death. It immediately started shooting out lime-green leaves, and has grown in height by a considerable...
  2. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    It's been a while since I updated... I got my remaining plants transplanted into a bigger pot... they seem to be doing OK. They've lost a few leaves to overheating, but they're still showing signs of growth. I'm pretty sure they're just stretching their roots, until they get the soil filled...
  3. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    I'm down to two plants, now... the ones sharing a pot, seem to be keeping each other alive & in good health, so when I get around to transplanting them I think I might leave them together. My other three plants, died of what I believe to be root rot... I'd better hurry with my remaining two or...
  4. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    Hmm... Add one more problem to my list: We're RootBound! Today is the start of week 7, so I though I'd check to see how my plants' roots were... I really wish I hadn't. They're a mess. lol it's a good thing I did, though... I'd been planning on transplanting them at around week 9, but it...
  5. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    I haven't updated in a while so I thought I'd give a status report. So here it is... Status: not good. My plants are all still alive by some miracle, but they've all lost a lot of leaves due to what I believe is a combination of nitrogen deficiency, overheating, lack of humidity, lack of...
  6. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    Yeah, my plans all kind of went to hell lol. The biggest lesson I'm learning is how to improvise... lol maybe if I learn to do it well without any special equipment, I'll be able to do incredibly well when I finally do get some special tools and such, eh? Good luck with your AK, hope you get a...
  7. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    I think I've got spider-mites. Little red-orange bugs that look kind of like aphids, and like to chew trails into the leaves of my pot plants... I hate them with a passion. I've been killing them off my plants as I see them, but it's like trying to weed a garden with a chainsaw.... not the most...
  8. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    Update: All the plants have had a growth spurt over the last two days... they've all gained between 0.5" and 1.25". Their approximate heights are now: 3.5", 3", 3", 2.5", and 2" (in the same order as last time). My smallest and second-smallest are both doing wonderfully... they've both gained...
  9. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    These are hot off the press - taken this morning, just so I'd have something to keep you guys interested. I've got to appologise for the quality on a couple of them... It's a little hard to shoot for clarity with a 5.1megapixel camera @ 4 inches. Anyway, hope these are enough to tide you...
  10. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    Quick update - 5 of the 9 plants have broken through the soil, I'm convinced the other 4 aren't going to. approximate heights of the surviving plants are: 3in, 2.75in, 2.25in, 1.5in, 0.5in My cat knocked one of the leaves off of the second-tallest plant, so I decided to FIM it and go on with...
  11. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    I don't have enough light!!! The seedlings are doing okay, but I can tell I'm going to have a serious problem if I can't get those CFL's soon. They're getting REALLY leggy already, Almost to the point that I need to transplant them and start LST. But I'm trying to hold off on that until I can...
  12. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    I had a little mishap with my watering can (the spout popped off), and it flooded and uprooted the poor little thing. I tried to cover it back up, but to no avail.
  13. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    I accidentally killed one of my sprouts while watering it (It was the one I was going to FIM), But it's all good. That last seed that didn't want to germinate, finally stuck out it's little tap root... So it took the place of my first casualty. So, I've still got 8 plants :) Four of them have...
  14. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    So far three of the seeds have broken through soil. One seedling is already getting pretty tall, but the other two aren't showing much sign of growth past the first shoot. One of them is purple... I think that's the one I'll be FIM'ing. Since I'm still working Sans-Lights, I've had to keep a...
  15. Drakkaen

    From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow

    thanks! :) Yeah I was just thinking about that today... I don't have a Ph test kit yet, but I think it's one of the things I'm going to buy.