Recent content by dudeomg1

  1. D

    When will states vote again>?

    It has to be 3/4th of the states as stated in article five of the consitituion of the united states. Article Five of the United States Constitution describes the process whereby the Constitution may be altered. Altering the Constitution consists of proposing an amendment or amendments and...
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    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds!

    Snow white looks trippy I think i’ll watch it when my acid gets here friday
  3. D

    My silkroad experiance

    Silk Road doesn’t allow fake money to be sold any more and i’ve never seen script pads
  4. D

    More free samples!!!

    I just finally got my samples after putting in for them a couple of months ago
  5. D

    Can Someone Help

    find someone who lives in a legal state that says you can use his address
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    Anyone ever try this its like an e-cig but with some sort of heavily concentrated tincture?
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    Mushroom Porn

    something about that picture makes me want to get a big knife and just swing it across the middle of that whole thing
  8. D

    Do I Keep Smoking Blunts or Stop Smoking Blunts?

    I disagree I used to live in oklahoma sure we got good regs sometimes but it was a pain to find good regs it was easier to find some dro(which wasn’t that easy in oklahoma) now I live in New York and I cannot find bad weed even if I tried even the regs are high quality to the point where I...
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    My Beautiful Sunday Trip

    thank you for saving me I had no idea I was in danger
  10. D

    Questions for Legal Buds: International Oddities - Krypto

    I don't think people think they are bad because they are synthetic cannabis they think its bad because all the stories of other chemicals besides the syn cannabis sprayed on them to keep bugs off and to "finish" they high but def all syns aren't bad
  11. D

    Anyone Grow mushroms using fan leaves

    that souns like something I may attempt and post on here depending on whether or not it works but still got at least 6 weeks until harvest maybe longer so its still just a dream
  12. D

    Anyone Grow mushroms using fan leaves

    ell what I was thinking about doing was hitting my fan leaves with some bubble bags and dry ice to get any thc off then use what I have left
  13. D

    Anyone Grow mushroms using fan leaves

    Anyone ever grow any mushrooms using fan leaves for the base of a substrate
  14. D

    DA Shrooms

    i heard it takes about a week for your tolerance to drop and damn i wish i knew that girl in your picture