Recent content by ElGrimReefer

  1. ElGrimReefer

    will my hermie still get me high?

    thanks i a ppreciate the quick answer and i meant that i pull the male parts off
  2. ElGrimReefer

    will my hermie still get me high?

    :neutral:2 of my plants are hermies and i was wondering could it still give me decent buds to smoke i mean will it still get me high they have more hairs than balls and i just pull the buds off. i dont mind seeds in the buds but will it still get me high?:neutral:
  3. ElGrimReefer

    making enough co2

    if i have a 4 plant setup how many gallonn containers w/ yeast and sugar do i need it is also in a 4' x 4' tent. and how much sugar and yeast do i need in a gallon filled half way with water?:confused:
  4. ElGrimReefer

    Is using yeast to make co2 bad?

    for every plant how many gallon containers do u need of yeast plus sugar and water setup or is one gallon container for about 4 plants?
  5. ElGrimReefer

    co2 for plants?

    i also work at a beef plant and tey have tons of dry ice, so would that be better than the sugar yeast water technique?
  6. ElGrimReefer

    co2 for plants?

    OR will the water sugar and yeast do the trick for about 4 plants in a hut i mean can i buy the active yeast like at a wal mart im not sure what it looks like because im not really a grocery shopper but im pretty sure or hope that wal mar has it and just regular sugar i mean any sugar?
  7. ElGrimReefer

    co2 for plants?

    do you really need co2 tank or can ur plants indoor hydroponics grow descent buds with just natural co2 in the room.
  8. ElGrimReefer

    are huts good?

    i bought a 4'x4'x7' hut just wondering if it willl be good for flowering stage and i also got papaya seeds from nirvana shop and was wondering if they wold be ok too?:joint:
  9. ElGrimReefer

    nirvana shop?

    i ordered papaya fro nirvana and i was wondering if anyone has ordered from there and if they are a true website and not cams.
  10. ElGrimReefer

    nirvana-shop question

    i just ordered some papaya seeds from nirvana i was just wondering if anyone has ordered from there that way i dont get scammed like i was from other web sites plz anyone hopefully that website is the good stuff:weed: cuz this website told me to go there.
  11. ElGrimReefer

    plats are a disappointment. plz help

    i am 1 month into flowerin and barely any hairs . it gets cold where i have them do to weather and i have no co2 in there i do have vent but the leaves on the bottom are dying and te top one are ok so the plants are fine i guess but there yielding process is slow and im not sure why. could i try...
  12. ElGrimReefer

    question for the experts?

    so should i cut off bottome branches or should i leave it alone?
  13. ElGrimReefer

    topping and cutting off bottom branches?

    could i top two tops or will it decrease my yield, and is it best to also cut off bottom branches of plant and if so how many segments or rolls i dont know what they are called but from bottom up how many rolls should i cut off, ive heard it increases yields.
  14. ElGrimReefer

    question for the experts?

    no but suff is coming in in about a week or two but if i do right beforre blooming begins will it be a les yield and can i cut the bottom branches for bigger yields or should i leave them
  15. ElGrimReefer

    question for the experts?

    or would i be risking less yields and is it ok to cut off the bottom branches if so how many branches from bottom to top?