Recent content by elkukupanda

  1. E

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Hey UB, I finally have the answer to that question you once asked me. "What makes a plant thick". Well the answer is very easy. "To have all it needs, all the time". I actually came to this realization not even by growing this trade, but another plant. A tropical tree, with great house indoor...
  2. E

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    My man UB, How is everything going? I have grown interest in getting a chlorophyl reader. What do you recommend for the price? Best regards, Your Pal Elkukupanda
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Mr. UB, How is it going man? This thing of growing is such a beautiful art. It's nice to be able to know with bare eyes how green a leaf have to look to not fertilize more and how green is needed for perfect fertilizing timing. How's the schooling and spun feeding going? hehe Best Regards...
  4. E

    does supercropping increase yield

    It's a good technique to control height and canopy indoor. I won't say it increases the yield because it also increases the veg/flowering time. If you have enough plants and room it is not necessary. Keep in mind apical dominance and hormones dictate the order your buds mature.. If you let your...
  5. E

    things nooobs say that just make you lmfao

    i want to become a farmer.. *cough cough*
  6. E

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    thanks everyone for advice.
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Seriously? Fuck... i really want to pursue agriculture... I know it must be tough... i was always advice that is not the thing to do.. and still people around me would tell me the same... but i like to work with my hands.. and love nature.. and dream maybe one day i will have my own little...
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Hey UB, if you were young, had to do it again... and liked agriculture... and wanted to go to university.... which path in agriculture would you pursue in N. America? and why
  9. E

    would you top on your first grow?

    how many plants you have? are you growing indoor or outdoor? what kind of hood you have? and also wattage? most trainings are going to make your plants bushy... so if you grow indoor... keep in my mind you have an specific amount of light energy and range... if you don't have many plants...
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    haha, Hey A. Supertramp, Has become my #1 band. funkyyyyyy
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    definitely better... Soon i will switch back to MH and get better pics before finishing the second harvest just a few shades off.. mine are a little bit darker
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Hey UB, This pics are from my second harvest... This is what people call "suckers" i made sure I kept my leaves on :lol:
  13. E

    Things You found Out on your own

    Defoliation "high-yield" technique was brought up by an unsuccessful/frustrated indoor grower.
  14. E

    my defoliated vs non defoliated... pictures inside.

    I deleted the pics... They were awful... I will take some later
  15. E

    my defoliated vs non defoliated... pictures inside.

    Thanks, but i do not do any combustion.. i tried different lengths and leaving a couple millimetres of white trim does a good job 0 harsh smoke on my vape baby. I asked about the second harvest..