Recent content by EnWhyCee

  1. EnWhyCee

    Much Longer?

    Totally agree with botanist95, ​from my exp. you should wait till the white hair recede/turn orange. You can tell in photos 3 and 7 that its getting there. The buds will swell up noticeably!
  2. EnWhyCee

    1st Grow. CFL Fruit Spirit Feminized. Day 44 of Flowering. PICS

    looks like youre set to get a pretty nice yield off of two plants for your first grow. im pretty jealous of your screen, being a first timer myself. only 160 watts, damn. how long did you veg for?
  3. EnWhyCee

    Cloning From Feminized Seeds - Is It Possible, Difficult or Impossible?

    if only! I agree about the chance of herms being way hyped by people, I only just started growing but it seems like something people spend a disproportionate amount of time worrying about.
  4. EnWhyCee

    PC Grow Box 70w HPS,2 CFL`s Papaya grow....

    hey how is it going for you? got any sweet shots for us? I dont have any microgrow exp, so I cant give any advice but it looked good. been over a month now, wow! I just popped some papaya for the first time myself!
  5. EnWhyCee

    Seedling Tips Dying

    Thanks for your help Jonus! I've read 100 times here about people overdoing it with their plants and I swore I wouldn't be one of those people! Hahah. Either way, I awoke this morning and she(I hope) is looking better than ever with new growth. I guess Ill just say fuck-it to those old...
  6. EnWhyCee

    Seedling Tips Dying

    Hey people, thanks in advance for any advice, this is my first 'grow' I have an okay amount of exp gardening. SETUP: uhaul grand wardrobe box, active intake &out, ambient 78-72 when I'm home to keep the AC on, which keeps box temps 88-82, lights on, and down to mid to low 70's when off. RH...
  7. EnWhyCee

    My first grow! closet with 120w cfl's

    Good work man! I'm just getting my hands dirty in my first cfl box grow and have been dreaming about something like that plastic crate you have under your plants in the 2nd photo of your first post. where did you get it? and what are it's dimensions if you know? THANKS! and sweet lookin buddah!
  8. EnWhyCee

    Looking for a little advice from somebody with grow closet design exp.

    I'm running into a similar design issue, I'm in a 2x2x4 cardboard box with smart pots and coco... so apparently im looking for 10-20% runoff every watering. I dont like having them sit in dishes either... I'm liking your raised shelf / gutter idea! probably wouldnt work for me, but sounds...
  9. EnWhyCee

    Exhausting Into Sewer

    this thread was too good not to read.
  10. EnWhyCee

    Botanicare CNS17 Users

    hey mand did you ever get that worked out? I found your post in a search for some words on CNS17 in coco. what did you end up doing? I've been told by everyone to cut the manufact. recommended levels in half at LEAST. then build up. Im about to start a similar setup (cns17 grow / bloom) but...
  11. EnWhyCee

    20,000 lumen cfl grow

    hows it been doing? im going to start my first ever/cfl grow with two plants and ive done some extensive research these past couple days. your setup sounds sweet, plenty of light. ive heard a lot of people supporting a mixed spectrum during both stages but especially during flowering. like just...