Recent content by GanjaGurl13

  1. GanjaGurl13

    My 1st Grow Journal

    Yeah, you might be right... I was sick in bed for about 3 days and totally unable to even stand up let alone tend to my plants. They were lookin' WRECKED!! I was thinkin' they were screwed for sure. But they seem to have bounced back pretty well...
  2. GanjaGurl13

    My 1st Grow Journal

    So... here's the latest. My 2 original girls are going strong. I've noticed the hairs on one of them have a bit of brown to them already. I've done some other reading here on the site, and have seen "Elites" say this is normal, so no worries there. On April 25th, I added 4 more plants to the...
  3. GanjaGurl13

    My 1st Grow Journal

    This being my very first grow, I was content to have this be an experimental process. I was willing to take some chances to see what happened. That being said, two of my plants were growing really, really tall. I was concerned about that, so I decided to use them as my guinea pigs. I didn't want...
  4. GanjaGurl13

    My 1st Grow Journal

    After much concern and research, I beefed up the lighting. Because this is an indoor budget grow, I decided on CFL lighting. They use less energy and they don't throw off as much heat... plus, you can buy them everywhere! This was the scenery by April 3rd. bongsmilie
  5. GanjaGurl13

    My 1st Grow Journal

    Ok... I've decided to start a grow journal... and since some time has passed since I started my little garden, I'm gonna try to go in proper order and it may take a few postings. At the end of February, I decided to take a chance and see if anything would grow. My brother in law gave me a cool...
  6. GanjaGurl13

    Girls... Girls Everywhere!!

    I put the first 2 into 12-12 on April 10th. I added 4 more plants on April 26th. Then last night I discovered 2 more females in my vegetation area, so I moved them to the flowering closet.
  7. GanjaGurl13

    Girls... Girls Everywhere!!

    I am actually only using a bunch of CFLs. Since this was my first grow, I didn't want to sink a bunch of money into supplies in the event it all blew up in my face, ya know? I put the first 2 into 12-12 on April 10th. Oddly, I discovered my first female on 4-20!! I added 4 more plants on April...
  8. GanjaGurl13

    Girls... Girls Everywhere!!

    Well... my first grow from bag seed has produced 12 hearty plants, a couple are stretched further than I'd like, but for my first try, I'm pretty damn pleased with myself. Out of those 12, I've got 4 girls already! Just had to show some pics of the little buds I've got goin!. =)
  9. GanjaGurl13

    What is a hermie?

    A "Hermie" refers to a Hermaphrodite. A hermaphrodite is a living organism having both male and female reproductive organs.
  10. GanjaGurl13


    Oh goodie! I guess that just goes to show that I don't know what Rep is then! LMAO!!! :lol:
  11. GanjaGurl13

    Here Goes!!

    I know!! If this goes well, I'm gonna be the biggest gardener my friends have ever seen!! LOL!
  12. GanjaGurl13


    Good Luck to you!!! I'm crossin' my fingers for ladies myself... just started 12/12 last night on 2 plants.
  13. GanjaGurl13

    Here Goes!!

    That's exactly my thought as well. If this goes belly up... Nothin' ventured, Nothin' gained. I'm only out the money for lights, soil and pots, which isn't that bad.
  14. GanjaGurl13

    Here Goes!!

    Right on... right on. I've got no idea what these are, but if this grow turns out to be successful, I'm definitely going to buy good seeds for my next grow. I figured there's no sense in spendin' money on good seeds if I screw it up, ya know? Figured I'd just use the bag seeds I'd been...
  15. GanjaGurl13

    Here Goes!!

    Oh Damn!! You are gonna be the spot to be at man!!