Recent content by Hazsard

  1. Hazsard

    Help with tempature ANYONE???

    So i have 12- inch plants and i have a 430 watt bulb and it gets up to 90 degress at daytime and at night it turns to 75 dgress. so my question is will my plant survive and also i have it on 24/0 and their healthy
  2. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    @Majek hey dude so i purchased a 430 watt and i mounted it onto the ceiling and its 10-12 inches away from my plants is this good its not burning or anything and the bulb also has a reflector. also ill send post pics later. one concern is my room is hot it goes up to 90 degrees i fan it and im...
  3. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    @Majek 400 watt 150$$$$$ which one dude thanks man i only have two plants so which one or
  4. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    oh my god the HTGsupply is forty minutes from where i live so i will call and ill let you know what i end up getting okay thanks again
  5. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    Well tommorow i will be calling many many many hydro shops to see what they have to offer if anything i will buy online but the plants wont be patient i will try to buy soon im lucky they have a used hydro shop that sell, buys and repairs lights goodnight and thanks for all the help any...
  6. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    Thanks for all the help. im going to buy a 400 watt HPS. i just need to hurry up and im going to two hydro shops tommorow anything else i need to know @four20seven- are you talking about my lamp is that good for now or what thanks
  7. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE???? This websites sell really good bulbs for a cheap price. hmm im going to research for a more watts thank you if i keep my light for another day or two will it die???????
  8. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    Do you know any good websites that sell amazing lights under 100 dollars thats my limit :/ send me some recommendations so can buy tommorow and thanks for the help i dont want my plants to end up dead
  9. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    im going to actually exchange the lights to better one and thanks for the help im going to exchange it to a pot in two days im going to make a custom mix of soils and i missing phosphrous mix hmm what lights should i buy can you send me a link and i want it from home depot thanks
  10. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Should I Upgrade

    I have this light for my plants is this good or should i get a better one and i also want it from home depot so if any of you guys want to help...
  11. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    This is my first grow and i need to know if i should i keep my light or exchange for a better one
  12. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    They are about 3 weeks i will post up pics in ten minutes hmm so do you suggest i exchange it and get better lighting??
  13. Hazsard

    Is This Light Good Or Not SOMEONE????

    Hello, i have this light: - Is this good for my plants it is a grow indoor light and i have been using for about three weeks and i just want...