Recent content by Hellogeorgi

  1. H

    First timer. Help me determine sex?

    Thanks man i have 3 others that are deff females. I thought maybe this ones a slow grower. ill probably chop him because of lack of exsperience and would not want to risk the others. Even though this one is deffinetly looking the nicest so its a bit sad
  2. H

    First timer. Help me determine sex?

    Hi any imput on the new pictures
  3. H

    First timer. Help me determine sex?

    Sorry to beat a dead horse. This is what i was trying to show. Towards the top of the plant white hairs are coming out of them
  4. H

    First timer. Help me determine sex?

    Thank you! I have seen this and i was leaning towards male i its just my first time and didnt want to toss it with out profesional oppinion.
  5. H

    First timer. Help me determine sex?

    The first piccture i was trying to show white hairs coming from the tops of the buds. Well darn that was my best lookinh plant too.
  6. H

    First timer. Help me determine sex?

    Hi guys im really trying to learn the ropes. I am about 2 weeks into flower with a 600 hps. Grown from bag seed this plant is starting to bud up (i think) but i think it has balls please haaalllp!!